Dr. Gott: What can my son expect from PKD?

by Symptom Advice on September 19, 2011


Q my son, 27, has polycystic kidney disease. he has enlarged kidneys with cysts, and a liver cyst. can you discuss PKD?

A PKD causes kidneys to develop cysts (fluid-filled sacs). The noncancerous cysts can affect other organs. The most common sign is high blood pressure. Others are kidney stones, kidney failure, headache, frequent urination, urinary tract or kidney infections, back or side pain, increased abdomenal size and blood in the urine. PKD has many complications. High blood pressure, untreated, increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Loss of kidney function, kidney failure, brain aneurysm and diverticulosis can occur. Some sufferers develop mitral valve prolapse. PKD is incurable but symptoms can be treated. Family members should be tested to see if they have it. PKD sufferers should seek genetic counseling before having children to assess the risk of passing on genetic abnormalities that lead to it.

Write to Peter Gott, c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10016.

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