Ferociously pancreatic cancer

by Symptom Advice on February 5, 2011

The pancreas is an organ shaped like a tube sponge / sponge with a length of approximately six inches, which is found behind the stomach. the pancreas produces enzymes and hormones, including insulin. Pancreatic enzymes help digest food in the small intestine, whereas insulin to control blood sugar levels. both enzymes and hormones necessary for maintaining the body to work with the most frightening benar.Gangguan that occurred in this organ is pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer can be very vicious, to result in death. many sufferers die within a year after diagnosis. While that can survive only about 4%. the National Cancer Intitute very rare mentions of pancreatic cancer can be cured.

Smoking is one risk factor for pancreatic cancer incidence. the incidence in smokers increased 3 times more than non-smokers. Lack of activity, chronic pancreatic disease, diabetes and cirrhosis is a risk factor. according to the American Cancer Society, the number of patients with pancreatic cancer is increasing in countries where the people accustomed to a diet high in fat. Pancreatic cancer is very rare in those aged less than 45 years.

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose in its early stages because almost without symptoms, whereas physical observation and blood tests often show normal results.

Patients with pancreatic cancer usually only show general symptoms such as high fever, weight loss, and abdominal pain. When cancer spreads, pain developed in the upper abdomen and sometimes the back. When eating or lying sick added.Therefore, the patient will be nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weak. in addition, because pancreatic cancer in the head could be related to the disposal in the bile (digestive fluid produced by the liver) into the small intestine, jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin and white of the eye) caused by blockage of bile flow is usually the initial symptoms.

Jaundice was itchy all over the body due to storage of bile salt crystals under the skin. Vomiting can result from things when pancreatic cancer in the head blocking the flow of stomach contents into the small intestine (blockage of the gastric tract) or blockage of the small intestine.

The first symptom is usually also indicated by pain and weight loss. at the time of diagnosis, 90% of people experiencing severe pain in the upper abdomen that penetrate to the back, as well as significant weight loss.

For patients with cancer that is still smaller than 2 cm, with no spread to lymph nodes, cancer surgery can save patients up to five years at least. this possibility could reach 18-24%. Cancer treatment depends on the number of factors, such as cancer type, size and spread of cancer, as well as overall patient condition and age. although difficult to cure, but doctors will attempt to treat the patient for quality of life improved among others by surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Usually the treatment for pancreatic cancer is extraordinary. Treatment will give effect to nausea, flushed skin, hair loss, poor appetite, weakness, and weight loss. Nutrition and good lifestyle are needed to support the treatment process.

src: anzoen.com/2009/11/ganasnya-penyakit-kanker-pankreas.html

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