Flu symptoms and antibiotics?

by Symptom Advice on March 28, 2011

Ok. so. here it goes..

I have DEFINITE influenza symptoms. Terrible coughing, high fever, nausea, congestion, achy, it hurts behind my eyes constantly, and just overall i feel like CRAP. I had a few questions I was hoping could be answered..:

1) do you need antibiotics if you have the flu and it just keeps getting worse over a period of four days?

2) Will the doctor make me stay home even if i'm not contagious? or am I always contagious?

3) How long does the normal influenza take to run it's course? I'd had progressing symptoms since Wednesday night.

4) Any good pill/capsule medication to take to relieve flu symptoms?


Antibiotics cannot work against flu. this is because Influenza is caused by a virus, and antibiotics work against bacteria.

There is no cure for flu. Take painkillers.

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