Historic cedar high makes sufferers turn to alternative relief

by Symptom Advice on January 29, 2011

Cedar fever pollen counts hit historic seven-year highs in Central Texas causing allergy sufferers to desperately search for relief.At Live Oak Pharmacy in downtown Austin people who are dealing with cedar fever were buying up relief in any form they could find it.Customer Anita Benner says her symptoms are unbearable and even caused a sinus infection.“Claritin D generic is the best thing working for me right now, but really if we mowed down all the cedar trees in Austin that would probably be better,” Benner said.Clouds of yellow cedar pollen make you feel miserable, but there are alternatives to anti-histamines and decongestants.“It’s terrible. It’s this constant itching and congestion and sneezing,” Benner said.Live Oak pharmacist Nathan Pope recommends a variety of solutions to fight cedar fever symptoms including a Neti pot to flush your nasal cavity.“do it when you’re in a warm steamy shower and then you don’t have to worry about the mess,” Pope said.Pope also recommends concentrated herb drops called Easy Breather. The natural alternative was developed by an Austin company and promises to battle cedar fever symptoms.others turn to acupuncture for relief.Margaret Hubby used acupuncture successfully the past two years, and is hoping it works again this cedar season.“It’s more lasting and there are no bad side effects,” Hubby said.her acupuncturist places needles in specific areas of her face and legs.“we identify what the person has out of balance and try to re-balance their immune system and cut down on inflammation,” acupuncturist Ziyang Zhou said.While the age-old practice of acupuncture might now work for everyone, Hubby says she feels better within 24 hours of treatment.Cedar season typically ends in mid-February.

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