Home Remedies for Scurvy

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

Scurvy is one of the most common diseases among children. it is also one of the oldest deficiency diseases in the world. it is a common disease among the children of people who don’t eat fresh food for a long time. in several instances scurvy is confused with diseases like rickets and rheumatism.

Consumption of fresh food and vegetables is very important to avoid scurvy. as mentioned that scurvy is a deficiency disease and therefore a balance diet rich in vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients is necessary for avoiding scurvy. Consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and vitamin C is very important to avoid scurvy. the weakness is the major symptom of scurvy. in some cases bleeding of gums and bad breath are also observed to be the symptoms of scurvy.

Consumption of vitamin C is very important in case of scurvy. moreover vitamin C makes our immune system more powerful and therefore keeps us away from other diseases also. A regular consumption of lemon is very helpful. the patient should be given limewater twice or thrice a day on a regular basis.

Consumption of amla is also very helpful in case of scurvy. Amla is a good source of vitamin C. Amla powder can be taken with a glass of water. Mango powder (aamchur) is also a good source of vitamin C. the unhealthy diet should be avoided. the patient should drink water in plenty to keep the body well hydrated. Leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are very helpful in treatment of scurvy.

Hence consumption of vitamin C is the key factor for the treatment of scurvy. however consumption of healthy and balance diet is also very important. the patient should avoid taking unhealthy foods. any food which is rich in vitamin C should be increased in daily diet. Intake of lime water while going to bed in the night on a regular basis is also very important for the treatment of scurvy. in case of complications, you should consult your doctor.

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