How can I reduce my cat allergy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

I myself do not have a cat, however, I have a friend that I visit frequently and she has two. I seem to only have the allergic reaction when I am in her house. I have other friends with cats, and as long as I don't touch them I am fine. what could be different about her house? It's so bad that 5 minutes from walking in the door I can feel my throat getting scratchy, itchy, red, watery eyes etc. Is there anything I can take in order to reduce these symptoms? Claritin and Benadryl showed no relief. Even vacuuming right before I came didn't help!

how should i know go see a doctor?

When are you taking the antihistamines, before or after you get there? The key is to take them at least 40-60 minutes before you get there, preferably 60 min before. Try taking two benadryl if one doesn't work, but drink it w/ caffeine so it doesn't make you drowsy.

Can the cats be put in another room while you're visiting?

I had the same problem at a friends house when we lived in OKC. every time I went to their house with in a few minutes my eyes would get red,watery and itchy. my nose would start running.I was miserable. I think their cat was a long haired cat. It's dander was just very strong. we got a short haired cat for my husband for Fathers day 3 yrs ago. I was concerned I would have trouble but I haven't had any. I can pet him and even cuddle with him without any trouble. you may have to have your friend come visit you at your house or another location.

taken an allergy pill yet? my mother has the same symptoms as you, and she takes Zyrtec.

there has to be something else then that is causing the reactions = you will have to find out=can your g/f come to your place for awhile

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