How do you shake a baby hard enough to cause brain injuries without breaking it's neck?

by Symptom Advice on January 7, 2011

The last year of my life has been spent on researching Shaken Baby information and I've found that it began as nothing more than a theory to explain why babies died with no external signs of abuse. now, the science isn't there to support it because they know that the kind of shaking it would take to cause the brain injuries and bleeding would damage the neck and spine first. Vaccines are capable of causing hemorrhaging, brain swelling, bruising, burn-like sores, broken bones, and every other sign associated with SBS. How? –by draining all the vitamin C reserves and raising blood histamine levels. both these conditions cause capillary fragility, bone abnormalities and hemorrhaging throughout the body, including broken bones and signs of external bruising. these symptoms are included in accelerated infantile scurvy-endotoxemia. Pregnancy–smoking, junk food, sugar, coffee, followed by vaccines at birth, bottle-feeding can kill. See John Laverty-Baby Casey info- truthquest2 dotcom

um i dont think ur suposed to shake a baby buddy

Ya wow I was kind of taken by this quetion lol…I don't know hwy you'd want to know this but okayyyyy

without a doubt the most creepy question posted on here.

it would require isolating the head via securing it to something that would be the actual item that would be shaken and that would be enough to cause brain damage without causing neck injury.

but damn..why?????

Nothing more then a theory???

Here's an idea. Get your self a life like baby doll. ask a high school what type they use for their preventitve programs.
Shake that baby and see what happens…

The likelihood that those other symptoms you mentioned of causing the brain to separate from the neck stem is HIGHLY unlikely.
Everyone knows the dangers of extracaricular activities associated with pregnancy.
Maybe you should do a little more research

If the people here answering this post with such absurd responses had actually read the whole post and checked out the website mentioned, they would have gotten the point–that recent science has pretty much proven that it isn't possible for a person to shake a baby hard enough to cause the injuries associated with shaken babies, without doing serious damage to the neck and spine first. So what does this mean? maybe that most of these cases weren't caused by shaking, but by something else, and there is some pretty compelling information provided by high level scientists about what that cause might be. if so, there are a lot of innocent people in prison and a lot of guilty people who continue to run free and profit from certain dangerous practices that may be at fault. it helps when people actually do a little reading outside of pharma-sponsored literature instead of just spouting off opinions that may not have any basis in fact or science.

As far as "the brain separating from the neck stem" as suggested by one poster, that is not listed as a sign found in shaken baby cases that I can see. You appear to be confusing that with something else or making it up as you go.

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