I had an IUI on June 21st and I feel bloated and heavy in my uterine area. AF is not due for 9 days. It is very early for me to start having PMS symptoms, besides when I do get bloated before AF I always have a 3lb weight gain and I have not gained an ounce. I am looking for others who have had a IUI and experienced these symptoms as well. were you pregnant? It is too early for me to test – I have an appointment with my RE for July 2nd for an ultrasound to make sure that (if I am pregnant) it is not a tubal pregnancy (I had my tubes untied in Oct).
I know it is silly to be asking this question when I will find out for sure in 6 days, but the wait is killing me. I would really love to hear from those who have/are experiencing the same symptoms as myself.