How early did you feel symptoms such as fatigue and sore breasts?

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

The only symptoms I had from conception till week 5 was period like cramps and bloating. I thought for sure I was going to get my period, but it never came. took a test and got a positive when I was about 4.5 weeks pregnant.
Nausea at 5 weeks that lasted till 16 weeks
Sore breasts at 8 weeks that didn't last long. comes and goes.
Exhausted from week 7-15. Still need extra sleep, but not as tired as I was in my first trimester.
Started getting a bigger appetite around 17 weeks.
My gums have gotten very sore and bleed more easily and that started around week 18. I didn't even know this was a symptom till I looked it up.
I'm 19 weeks along now and can feel the baby move a lot and it's getting hard to sleep. have a hard time getting comfortable even though I am not showing much yet and have only gained 3 pounds. My nipples are also starting to get a tad darker… not much though.

I had tender breasts, bloating, and was soooo tired that I thought I was getting my period-and I figured it would be a doozy. well when it didn't happen, I tested and got a positive =) From there we were sent to the Dr.'s where they figured from blood work I was 4-5 weeks what I'm saying is, I felt it pretty early on =)

sore breasts since very shortly after ovulation, but got a bit worse at 4weeks. Fatigue didn't hit till 5w5d.

I conceived around March 18-19, and before April had come around, I was feeling VERY tired, and had very sore breasts. The first week of April I also had morning sickness, before I tested positive on April 11th. everyone is different, however. a lot of women say that with second and third pregnancies, you can tell sooner, but I'm not sure as this is my first and I could tell rather quickly.

Personally, I was 5 weeks pregnant and I thought I was PMS'ng… but the sore breasts kept getting more intense!

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