How long can you actually have symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis before you are diagnosed?

by Symptom Advice on April 8, 2011

I have had several cognitive, memory, and decision making problems in the last few years and want to know if it could be MS related.

Not really sure but perhaps you should get in to see your family physician for a referral to a neurologist. I do know that symptoms of MS can be a much less serious condition as my sister was finally diagnosed after having alot of MS symptoms with something quite benign and it went away. so good luck and take care of yourself.

I believe that in mild cases of MS, some people can go through their whole lives without ever knowing they are sick.

While cognitive, memory and decision making problems are symptoms related to MS, usually other symptoms come first such as sensory disturbances (pins and needles, numbness) and optical neuritis, however since MS varies from person to person there is no standard formula of how the disease first shows itself or how it progresses.

Cognitive, memory and decision making problems can be caused by a number of things with some of the more common being stress or depression. The only way to find out what is causing your problems is to go to your doctor. an MS diagnosis usually starts by ruling out all other possible causes for your problems, followed up by an MRI and if the MRI reveals plaques, a lumbar puncture.

There is a regimen t he doctors must follow before diagnosing MS which requires more than one episode for further explanation. If your doctor thinks you have MS he will not tell you even if he thinks you have probable MS. he will run blood work and keep an eye on your sed rate and if he feels strongly about MS as a diagnosis he will have you do visual and audio evoked testing as well as a dizzy test and refer you to a neurologist and an audiologist and an eye doctor as well. you would have an MRI performed to see how many lesions you have as well as a spinal tap to see if you have any spirochete in your spinal column. even with all of these test a doctor won't diagnose MS unless it is rapid progressive MS. why? well they have to rule out every other possibility before giving the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. you can be having these problems due to other disease or due to the aging process and sometimes medications do this to your system as well. The diagnosing process is long and grueling at times and people sometimes give up and feel like they are just crazy because they keep going to the doctor in hopes of some answers and they get nothing except follow up with me in two months or if anything else occurs.
Good Luck and I hope your symptoms are not MS related.

There's no way to know what is causing your problems without some sort of neurological exam. these types of problems can be caused by all sorts of things. Usually the first symptoms with MS are things like fatigue, problems with balance, sudden loss of vision, paralysis, or tingling sensations, but its possible that problems with cognitive functions or memory could be the first signs of MS, if the plaque starts in the brain. It would be good to schedule a visit to a neurologist if you are concerned.


The only way to be sure if you have MS is to see a neurologist who will send you for an MRI of your brain and spinal cord to see if there are lesions (old scaring from previous attacks)…I would also concider getting tested for Lime disease the symptoms you are describing are also common in Lime, I would start there your family doctor can order the test for you but ask for the test which detects the DNA for lime in your blood..its more expensive about 180.00 and most insurances won't pay for it but it is the best and most accurate test available. The most common test it called the Titer lime test. It is only 50% accurate if you test positive your all set but if your negative there's a 50 % chance the test is wrong and you still may have lime the test just didn't detect it. While your waiting for the test results have your doctor refer you to a neurologist so you have an apointment if the test is negative. Hope this helps some.

It may be but thats just one sign I and my brother bothhave MS,only wayto know is a mri to see if there are leasions on your brain or spine.Everyone's symtems are different and affects are different, my brother and i have alot of different symtems. tell your doct what you thinkalot of docs dont think of ms is whats wrongonly mri and spinal tap can tell them.I hope you dont!!! my nuro keeps telling me that there will be a cure by 2010 for MS lets pray!!! Good luck. oh yea it could be a while you could go into remission or the relapes come back. some do some dont there are different stages that people have I have progressive. Ok God bless

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