How long do anxiety symptoms last before they get better and clear up for good?

by Symptom Advice on November 29, 2010

I have been suffering from Anxiety and worry, and because of this i have chest pain/tightness and dizziness/headaches. How long do anxiety symptoms last before they get better?

If you've ever seen commercials for the midwest center: attacking anxiety and depression then you may have wondered about it. I would like to say that I've just finished using the program and it works. I want you to know that I'm not affiliated with it at all. I'm unemployed. I didn't even buy it, I downloaded it illegally but I want to get the word out to everyone that suffers from panic attacks. I had your symptoms and much more including insomnia and sheer terror. have you ever been terrified for no reason? Well this program helps. I suggest going to and searching for "attacking anxiety and depression." I can personally guarantee that if you do this program, it will change your life.

Unfortunately, as other posters said, more often than not anxiety does not go away by itself. If its just stress than it will go away sooner or later, like other people have said. taking a vacation might help, doing something you really like. an anxiety disorder is something entirely different. I have been first diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) over ten years ago. Initially i was on zoloft for a year or so, supplimenting when needed with lorazepam. later i got off zoloft and just kept the lorazepam in case i was hit by a sudden anxiety attack. Eventually i got rid of that too and for a long while i was able to function just fine with controlled levels of anxiety. until i was going through rough times with my ex husband two years ago which eventually led to a divorce. my panic attacks returned with more power than ever and i had to go back to meds. Two things must be considered here: Do you know what is causing the problem? Anxiety could be seen as a subconcious manifistation of your mind telling you that something in your life is wrong and needs fixing. Maybe you are just ignoring some issues that you don't want to deal with or maybe its something you don't want to aknowledge even to yourself. Second is you need to understand that if you are seriously suffering from anxiety and it begins to impair your life to the point of limiting your functionality then there is nothing shameful about getting help. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is extremely helpful in these situations. Good luck to you and i hope you feel better.

Anxiety isn't something that goes away by itself. Usually there's been some incident that has caused it and the reason you feel anxious is because you haven't come to terms with whatever it was.
Can you remember what first caused you the feelings of anxiety? did the same thing happen on another occasion? You will need the help of a therapist to explore this. Most probably the therapist will also teach you to use NLP(… )techniques to help overlay the anxiety with other more desirable feelings.
Some people have difficulty remembering what caused the anxiety in the first instance. There are techniques to unblock a memory so it can be healed more often practised in either EMDR ( ) or TIR ( ) but it is harder to find a therapist skilled in either of these.
Unless you can self-heal using the techniques described on the various websites, you're going to need some help. it may seem expensive at first, but it will be well worth the investment.

You will not be better unless your anxiety is gone. As long as you feel anxiety or worry a lot, you will always feel this symptoms. So it's much better to manage your anxiety and worry.

Deep breathing helps to relax a major nerve that runs from the diaphragm to the brain, sending a message to the entire body to let go and loosen up; get enough sleep, nourishment, and exercise. Eat well: choose fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for long-term energy (instead of the short bursts that come from too much sugar or caffeine). and exercise to send oxygen to every cell in the body so your brain and body can operate at their best; Connect with others. Spend time with friends or family. Organized activities are great, but just hanging out works too. Doing things with those we feel close to deepens our bonds, allowing us to feel supported and secure; Connect with nature. Walking, hiking, trail biking, or snowshoeing offer the additional benefit of exercise. Invite a friend or two — or a family member — along and enjoy feeling connected to people as well. and the most important is to think positive. A great way to keep our minds off the worry track is to focus our thoughts on things that are good, beautiful, and positive. allow yourself to dream, wish, and imagine the best that could happen.

There are many useful self-help articles online about ANXIETY. Indulge yourself reading articles like this. Check the one I've posted below.

The thing that sucks about anxiety is anxiety is only half the problem, the other half is the physical ailments is causes. Like the ones you listed. Ive been getting mild headaches often for 4 years, they come and go cuz I stress easy. They're coming from your anxiety so theyll keep coming back until you learn how to calm down a little. Try stretching your neck when you get headaches. also, somthign that may help a little with yor anxiety is somethign called rescue remedy. its 100% herbal so it can be taken with any medications. I love it, I have an anxiety disorder and it helps a lot.

It really varies from person to person. Exercise can help work out alot of stress, yoga especially because it will teach you how to relax, which is a skill many people dont have. You have to teach yourself to "not sweat the little stuff / its all little stuff"
I had anxiety issues a few years ago, I would get panic attacks severe enough to be crippling. I had to just learn that if I cant do something about my issues at this EXACT moment in time, then I have no business worrying about it. Worrying will do nothing but whittle down your defenses.
Cutting out caffeine can help alot, eating a balanced diet, no skipping meals. BE SURE you are getting enough sleep.
Next time you feel that anxiety coming on, remove yourself from the environment, step outside, walk the dog, draw in deep breaths.
give yourself time, dont rush your "recovery"
If you find these things not working, and this is an absolut last resort, you may want to talk to your doctor about medication especially if you experience any thoughts of suicide.

hope this helps! good luck!
now go turn your radio on really loud and sing rediculously.

what is paramount is to choose your healing route—— carefully– be really aware that the druggs/meds treatment for this can be damaging to you and go on for years with no improvement and massive damaging detrimental side effects to you from meds .

Do read this very carefully.

Evaluate all of this info well –it will save —years of suffering = if you apply it ..

All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so.
That makes sense right
Now then .it costs millions of pounds to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people..

Drug companies Fund most testing and will only and I mean only look at treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, –they will actively dismiss any therapy which does not have profit potential— thus your doctor will only recommend therapies that have been tested with profit potential in them.

despite The fact that some of these other therapies mentioned here do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, and much loss of life.

Drugs are not the answer for depression with mind altering damaging chemicals or any other mental illness.

This is a fundamental principle try to grasp this fully –

Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage Spiritual healing, Herbs, Light therapy, Colour therapy, the violet ray therapy, Osteopathy, Electrical Frequency devices. Karma therapy

we have thousands of testimonials and results showing years of successful applications

Do this and I will guarantee improvements to you inside a day its that simple,

each of these therapies can have a very beneficial influence on you.
For much more info/ detail and research behind this protocol
Go here…
Upon joining this group you will be sent a file giving the info –or go to the files section within the group and u will see it there

Print this all off save it and enact it and share it — of course someone to help you get these therapies in your life is invaluable but do not be swayed by anyone trying for short cuts …
1,get someone to massage your back and legs at least 3 times a week use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil.

2 use the violet ray machine an Edgar Cayce device google search this — 3 times a week on the other days especially on the spine….we use it every day with very positive results

3.get a tent sleep out side 3times a week utilising earth energy – nature can help big time especially with how you feel how much energy you have

4 study and apply good nutrition— adele davis books =protein minerals =iron essential fatty acids omega 3 6 9 protein etc

5 ensure your thyroid is working well

6 ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when you are able..the reasons you are ill , or poor or have allsorts of bad things happen to you is because of karma —–usually from past lives but some from this one –voluntary work will offset your mistakes— how much it offsets well that is down to god and how much you do. Healing us is in direct proportion to the help we give others ie your healing comes with helping others achieve theirs so if people are doing very little in helping others —they suffer more and longer…and if they are doing a lot they get well faster….so now you know what to do ,,and like a lot of us are already doing being of service.

7 be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you who love you , choose your friends well

8 be or get to a place which personally love or like

9 get and do some work which you like or love

10 ensure you do no acts which hurt or inflict on anyone –don’t want to add to your karma do we !!!

11 spiritual healing and reiki find good therapists who offer this service in your area

12 think good positive thoughts, laughter, look at comedy, play good uplifting music,

13 avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering ,death ,tragedies, -feed upon good things uplifting things, things that feel like a breath of fresh air..

14 Positive affirmation- that’s right programme your self in the mirror , thoughts are things words are things actions are things , all have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect on themselves .

15 a detox —— toxins can influence how you feel big time

16 hugs get plenty of them in your daily life you would be amazed at how people feel after a few decent hugs…
17 loads of exercise running walking climbing but something which you enjoy

18 rid yourselves of all aspartame laden foods and drink and many additives ensure =water intake

A total cure however is tied up with karma so you can imagine just how important is the voluntary work.

it depends on the reason for your anxiety, if your just worrying about a job or school or family or something like that eventually things will get better and it will probably stop, but on the other hand if you have an anxiety disorder they will probably never go away unless they are treated because anxiety disorders are caused by chemical imbalances and overproduction of chemicals in your brain. i would go see a doctor or at least tell someone about your anxiety before it gets worse.

Take a walk in the fresh air, go where there are trees, parkland, green spaces. Increase your awareness of smells, sounds, birds singing. have a cup of tea, speak to some people, women always do , all this is beneficial to your wellbeing. Eat enough good quality food and drink water to keep your body and brain nourished and hydrated. one other good tip, and it works, go to a healthstore such as Holland and Barret and get VALERIAN, a natural product either in Tea or Pill form, it will calm you down and make you sleep better. and no side effects as it is natural. Take good care of yourself, physical and psychological, you will soon pick up and feel much brighter.

Some good advices here, so I don't need to add much, other than say this. whatever you do, don't try and fight it, acknowledge it and just relax. whatever will happen will happen anyway.

If you don't treat them, they never go away. they just get worse. There are a lot of ways to treat anxiety. Talk to a doctor or a counselor. get more exercise. Volunteer. Take a new class. If you do something about it, you'll be just fine.

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