How To Know If You Suffer From Exhaustion? Check These Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

Exhaustion – we are not talking about the feeling after a strenuous 30 minute workout in the gym. many of us suffer from excessive exhaustion, or excessive fatigue disorder. Both the body and mind seem to be overworked, all the time. do you feel a loss of energy or extreme weakness all the time? here are some of the most common symptoms of exhaustion.

Tired for no reason

Do you feel tired and worn out every morning, without any reason? do you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning? Feeling washed out? I’m not talking about one-off tiredness that you experience after a hard day’s work. Feeling worn out every day, without any apparent reason is one of the first signs of excessive exhaustion.

Heavy dependence on stimulants

One of my weaknesses – stimulants! a normal day in the office meant 6 coffees. Yep, I know it’s bad. are you heavily dependent on beverages like tea, coffee, or cola? do you feel dragged without them? Yes? Step back and think. do you really need these levels of caffeine in your system? I reckon you take time out and assess if your dependence is merely out of habit or is it because of necessity. Inability to keep going without intake of such stimulants is another symptom of exhaustion.

Struggling to keep up

Okay we all struggle to keep up with life. That’s not what I’m talking about. This is about inability to keep up with the usual routines of life. do you find it impossible to get little chores done? things that others may not have problems doing. Typically, someone who suffers from exhaustion may find themselves unable to do the laundry, go to the bank, sort out stuff around the house, clear pending paperwork, finding time to cook, etc. I reckon it is acceptable if you are working 12 hour shifts every day. But if you have the typical 9-5 job and still struggle to keep up – it’s time to assess your situation. are you too exhausted with life?

Unable to recover completely from illness/injury

A typical symptom of excessive exhaustion is the feeling that your immune system is letting you down. Physical and mental exhaustion prevents your body from a healthy recovery – from illness, from injury. do you take way longer than others to recover from illness? do you regularly feel over powered by cold? Headaches? Fever? It’s one thing to pop a paracetamol tablet once in a while to subdue that cold. But if that happens every now and then – it’s a worry!

Frequent dizziness

Every time my sister called me, she said “Oh all this housework. I feel dizzy every morning! I can’t take it anymore” I mocked her and told her “Welcome to the real world my darling. get used to it” Less did I know that frequent bouts of dizziness is no joke. it is a sign of extreme exhaustion. an exhausted body cannot deliver enough oxygen to the brain – in plain English, the effectiveness of the heart and blood decreases. Let me warn you – even before you get yourself checked, if you feel dizzy, sit down! Dizziness can lead to fainting. a fall can give you serious head or spinal injuries. I suggest you get yourself checked asap if you think that you are plagued by exhaustion and dizziness.

Decreased sex drive

I’ll make a candid confession. When I travel, even for a couple of days – I wake up in the morning and the first few stretches give me that tingling feeling. That’s the body telling me that it is deprived of physical satisfaction. Yep, it’s only human to feel frisky every now and then! Severe exhaustion or tiredness takes this drive away from you. People who suffer from excessive exhaustion usually experience reduced sex drives. If this is you, get yourself checked. Not only to cure exhaustion, but also to save your relationship from rusting away!


Lack of sleep, stress, anxiety – all these factors will be likely to decrease our attention to detail. Inattentiveness is a key warning sign of extreme exhaustion and fatigue. it can be dangerous if you are absentminded and operate machinery or use tools. I suggest that you don’t rub off frequent inattentiveness lightly, especially if your work require you to be ‘switched on’ all the time.

Lack of ‘fun’ in life

Extreme exhaustion affects you in two ways – physically, and mentally. Stress, tiredness, depression, and weakness are all symptoms and results of severe fatigue. do you feel that all the fun has disappeared from life? are you unable to go out there and have a good time? do you find it hard to get up from that couch and do something? are you tired and depressed? Yes? You need to learn more about exhaustion, how it affects you, and get yourself checked.

Exhaustion is caused by overwork of resources of the body and mind. there are certain lifestyle choices that contribute to severe fatigue too – lack of sleep, lack of healthy food, unhealthy habits, etc. Hormonal imbalance can also cause exhaustion. If you find yourself suffering from the symptoms that we’ve just gone through – Exhaustion is no joke. Give the doc a visit.

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