How to relieve symptoms of a sinus infection?

by Symptom Advice on December 9, 2010

I have snot coming out of every hole in my face and my head feels groggy, and im coughing as well.

What can i do to help this along?

If the dischare from your nose is thick, green or dark brown, and your head is pounding, get to a doctor. He will examine your nose and prescribe an antibotic to prevent the infection go any further. The infection can spread and cause you more life threatening problems. I've had sinus problems for many years, I use moisturing nose spray, take Tylenol Sinus and allergy meds, and put hot compressed on my sinuses and if you need to use a vaporizer. a dry nasal passage is often the cause and also picking the old nose. any bacterial on fingers multiply the mucousa and can cause the beginning of your infection. Try the hot compresses, take a hot steamy shower and take the nasal decongestant first and see if it works, if not, get to the doc's. good luck.

Medicines consist of Chlortrimeton, Biaxin and Claratin D. Claratin D is available without prescription and make sure it is Claratin "D" the "D" stands for decongestant. That's what loosens all that stuff you have running down the back of your throat to drain your face. you might need a prescription for Chlortrimeton but that will dry your face out so you can go back to work or school. They come in 12 hour or 24 hour pills so you only need one in the morning to last you all day. Don't take Biaxin unless you have to. it tastes horrible, you might get nauseated after taking one, they are that bad. Unfortunately, they also work better than anything. you have to take one about every 6 hours but 2 days of taking them. you will feel fine!
If you don't want the drugs, take a hot bath and soak your head in the water and lay a washcloth over your face. As hot of water as you can stand. This will loosen your sinus infection in your face and keep you draining. Get your kleenexes, DON'T let it run down the back of your throat ( I hope you haven't) otherwise you have to cough it up. something else that the Claratin D is good for.

Sinus infections are the worst! They take so long to get rid of even with antibiotics. do the usual things like drinking lots of water, taking Tylenol, hot baths and let the steam in the bathroom clear some out of your head, eat chicken soup, etc. Then you can also gargle with salt water and they have products to spray into your nose. They make you almost gag but they work in clearing out the junk. one really good product is grapeseed extract. Spray that into your nostrils, hang your head upside down (like off the bed) and let it sit and drain for a few minutes. Then blow it out. Grapeseed extract works the fastest for me and I use it to prevent them too. During allergy season, I get sinus infections easily but if I use the grapeseed, I won't get one.

Soup recipe to combat sinus

Few leaves of spinach
Small piece of turnips cut in small pieces
Small piece of carrot cut in small pieces
Green leaves of coriander
Small piece of ground ginger

Boil the mixture in a glass of water
Add a pinch of ground cummin seed, salt ad little lime juice to taste
You can also delete carrot or turnip if you like
This soup will strenghten yourdigestive tract and excretory organ

If you want to know more alternative sinus treatment visit

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