2010-11-29 12:06
If you are worried about sexually transmitted diseases, you should be aware of the growing number of cases involving HPV. This has recently gotten mainstream attention due in large part to awareness articles that are hitting the airwaves and while they provide a lot of different things, they do not provide the whole story. however, the one drawback of this HPV vaccine is that it is only good for HPV-16. There are other strains of HPV that can still cause cervical cancer. This is why getting a pap test is still a necessary way to detect HPV. The results of the study do give some hope to those who can potentially suffer from cervical cancer because of it.In cases where HPV is causing warts or a simple skin condition, the doctor may be able to isolate evidence of the virus. Unfortunately, in the case of the development of the more serious health issues caused by HPV infection, it may be years after initial infection before either you or your doctor notice any adverse health consequences.Non-infection Vaginosis has similar symptoms to bacterial vaginosis. Spermicides, detergents and fabric softeners, perfumes and feminine sprays are several known causes of this affliction. It can also be caused from not thoroughly rinsing bath soaps from the outer folds of moist skin in the vaginal area. these are temporary irritations that will readily disappear in a few days after the agent causing the irritation is no longer in contact with your skin.If these HPV symptoms are not treated as soon as possible, you run the risk of the warts spreading throughout your genital regions very quickly, especially if you drink and or smoke on a regular basis. Any other drugs also cause genital warts to spread much faster because of the effect on the immune system. you need to see a doctor or get a natural treatment as soon as possible if you have genital warts. HPV stands for human papilloma virus. almost 200 strains of human papilloma virus have been identified as of now. Their infection hardly produces any symptoms in their victims. It belongs to the papilloma virus family. 40 strains of these viruses can be transmitted sexually that is, by vaginal, oral and anal sex.Genital warts – these are benign warts and appear as a small cauliflower-like bump, a flat lesion. In women, these warts can be seen usually on the vulva but may also appear close to the anus, in the vagina or on the cervix. While in men, these appear on the penis and scrotum or around the anus.a lot of attention is paid in the media to the problems of breast cancer, of HIV, and, more recently, of Swine Flu. It seems odd, then, that so little attention is paid to cervical cancer and HPV, as, every year, cervical cancer kills an estimated forty thousand women. The vast majority of these cases are linked to human papilloma virus.If you discover you have genital warts, it doesn’t necessarily follow that your current sexual partner is the one who gave it to you. In most cases, the strains of HPV that cause genital warts can lie dormant in your system for many years before a breakout occurs.
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