I am considered to be pregnant but still back pain and other symptoms of menses?

by Symptom Advice on August 8, 2011

last month (Aug 13th) was my last period date, and this month 17th i had been to hospital and the result came to be positive. but still i experience back pain and sometimes stomach ache and other symptoms of menses. Please help???

you aren't considered to be pregnant. you are.

I didn't know I was prego til after a couple of weeks late cuz my symptoms were the same as when I get my monthly…sore breasts, bloating, fatigue. I'm usually on time but never more than a week late, but I thought I was going to get my monthly because it was the exact same symptoms. around 4-5 weeks when I started the pre-natal vitamins I started getting the 24/7 morning sickness. Hope you don't get the morning sickness! good luck!

Many early pregnancy symptoms are the same as premenstrual. its normal.

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