I got treated for chlamydia but i had it for app. 2 years, i had no pain, symptoms and i have regular periods?

by Symptom Advice on August 28, 2010

and ovulation…….are my chances of conceiving still damaged?

Untreated chlamydia can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes. without specialized testing, it would be difficult to determine what your success rate might be for conceiving. only your gynecologist can answer this question. Yearly gynecological exams would have caught this before it got to the 2 year stage. with chlamydia, there is often no symptoms, thus the reason for an annual exam. and, your partner also has to be treated at the same time that you are treated, otherwise, you can get it right back.

I had it for at least 3 years, i have irregular periods due to pcos. I found out i had it at christmas. I have spent the year asking for a scan to check. I finally had my scan and i have fluid on both of my tubes (I had no pain), i have an appointment in 2 weeks to find out more.Doctor has said that the fluid may go when i eventually have a period or when i have the dye put in my tubes, or i may have an op of they are only a bit blocked or my tubes may have to come up. Im devastated.

No ones confirmed this is related but i think it is. You maybe lucky but if i where you i would have it checked if you can. That way if there is something you may catch it early and be treated

You should get tested for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). I think this is want untreated chlamydia can cause which messes up your ability to reproduce.

there is that chance, but you won't know until you try to conceive.

you wont know until you try to concieve

no but i would hold it off for a while

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