I know this may be a bit delicate but I really need to know about cancer symptoms please?

by Symptom Advice on January 1, 2011

I know they may vary depending on the kind of cancer the person suffers. If you could give me a description of any kind, or various kinds of symptoms I would be most thankful with you guys. Thank you all!

Hi Yabran.

Well, that's a difficult question because "cancer" is a general term meaning "runaway growth of cells".

If it's brain cancer, the symptoms can be "the person has headaches and acts strangely". If it's in a different part of the brain, the person's symptoms may include blindness.

If it's in the bowel, the person may have blood in his or her stool.

If it's in the pancreas, the person may have smelly stools.

If it's on the skin, the person will have oddly-shaped spots usually of motley colour.

Bone cancer, blood cancer, lymph cancer — all have very different symptoms.

Perhaps this doesn't help much! but if you could provide more details of the symptoms or of the cancer, whichever you know for sure, then perhaps Yahoo Answers could be more targeted to your situation?

It is not a good idea to be asking complete strangers this type of question. If you are having problems and suspect it could possibly be cancer, the smartest thing you can do is see your doctor without delay. you can get no diagnosis, treatment, or peace of mind from reading opinions on Answers.

Go to the doctor and settle the issue, once and for all, so you can have peace of mind.

If you know it varies depending on the cancer why not ask about the one you are referring to? there are more than 200 diseases called cancer do you have any idea how long a list would be?


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