If i got HPV, how long would i have to wait to see symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 11, 2011

If i got HPV, how long would i have to wait to see symptoms?

Sometimes you don't get any symptoms. They can show up years later, i.e., genital warts. HPV is so common they believe that about 85% of people that are sexually active will contract the virus and not even know it. there are so many strains of the virus also. See your doctor to get tested if you're worried.

some people can go their whole lives without symptoms but still have, and be carriers of HPV- it is never a bad idea to stretch your budget for a pay period to get a full STD screening every couple years to be certain- even if in a monogamous relationship- there is the chance that you have been cheated on, or that the last time you were tested was while a disease you did have was in remission

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