If you have had experience with your dog having bloat could you please tell me your dogs symptoms. Thanks?

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

I just rushed my Akita to the vet and they are keeping her to run test. She is almost 11 years old. She has been passing pure blood, heavy panting, throwing up, high fever, drooling, very lethargic and moaning. The vet spent a lot of time feeling her stomach. So I am just waiting for the results.

My sister had a bloat scare with her sheepdog. If it helps any, this doesn't really sound like bloat. In fact, the hallmark signature of bloat isn't vomiting – it's the inability to vomit, because both ends of the stomach get twisted, so the dog is in agony and tries to empty the stomach contents, but can't. I'm not a vet, but there's a typical trail of symptoms for bloat and it starts with the retching. Yes, there's drool, but then the dog becomes very restless, can't get comfortable and…above all…the bloated tummy becomes very obvious. It's hard as a rock and then the dog looks like it's very pregnant – huge tummy.

I hope she's ok, and even if it's bloat it sounds like she got there in time. but I'm honestly guessing it's an obstruction or perforation.

Bloat is more prevalent in some breeds then others. when you do have a breed that is predisposed to bloat it is best to wait about 30 minutes after they eat before letting them out to run

Bloat is a very quick build up of gases and they go down quickly so you have about 30-40 to rush them to emergency.

So. this sounds like this could be something totally different then bloat
Prayers for your furry friend and you.

The blood doesn't sound like bloat – more of an obstruction. This link has a good list of the signs of bloat.


Good luck, either way. You took your pet right away instead of waiting makes a huge difference with vets being able to help save your dog.

Understandable that you are nervous, but all we can do here is guess. Just wait till the vet finishes his/her examination.

That does not sound like bloat. I lost an old Lab to bloat. he had none of those symptoms. he just bloated up & kept getting worse & worse.

I could not get him to a Vet, he was too big for me to physically get him in the car & there was no one to help me. he died here at home. Suffering. a horrible death & I was so helpless & hopeless, I cried & cried & cried. my poor dog was hurting so bad & I could do nothing. I kept getting panic attacks & the adrenalin rushes. Sick to my stomach. & I could do nothing.

Vet would not make a house call.

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