Central Utah Public Health Department, which includes Juab,Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier and Wayne counties, saw an increasein cases of common sexually transmitted diseases from 2009 to 2010.The most prevalent STD in Central Utah Health District isChlamydia, with a rate of 73.2 per 100,000 in 2009, and as of Nov.1, 2010 a rate of 78.4 per 100,000. Health officials are concernedabout this increase, as many STD’s don’t have visible symptoms andany sexually active person can be infected.
Chlamydia is transmitted by direct sexual contact, and istransmitted at birth through contact with an infected birth canal.Not only is Chlamydia the most prevalent STD in CUHD, it is alsothe most prevalent in Utah, North America, and Europe. Reportedrates are three times higher in females than in males, and itsprevalence is highest in persons under 25 years of age.
Chlamydia usually causes no or nonspecific symptoms, butuntreated Chlamydia infection can cause serious reproductive andother health problems. in women, untreated infections can spreadinto the uterus or fallopian tubes causing pelvic inflammatorydisease leading to infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and ectopicpregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).
“Because Chlamydia is the most preventable reportable disease,”said Stephanie Baker, RN, Public Health Nurse, “it is extremelyimportant for sexually active people to be tested, especially ifthey have multiple partners.”
Most STDs are reportable and investigated in an effort to reducethe transmission of the infection. Testing is available on awalk-in basis or appointments can be made by contacting your localoffice. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are treated with a one-time dose ofantibiotics.
To stay STD free, protect yourself by practicing abstinence,which is 100 percent effective. though the use of condoms is not100 percent effective because some infected areas may not becovered by a condom, condoms can help protect against HIV and otherSTDs. Stay faithful to one partner and get tested before becomingactive with a new partner.
For more information, visit our website atcentralutahpublichealth.com or contact your local healthdepartment: Juab 623-0696, Piute 577-2521, East Millard 743-5723,West Millard 864-3612, North Sanpete 462-2449, South Sanpete835-2231, Sevier 896-5451, and Wayne 836-1316.