My fasting blood sugar this morning was 360. I'm feeling pretty bad, but don't know for sure if it's because of that, or something else. is there a place I can look to find out what the ranges are and possible symptoms that go along with that? I'd like to know just how bad 360 is… I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and haven't been diagnosed with diabetes yet. this is brand new to me, except that I had gestational diabetes 6 years ago.
Look on I'll bet it has something for you. I LOVE that site!
If you took your blood sugar count with a "reliable" meter and the reading is accurate then yes, see your doctor A.S.A.P because 360 is very bad.
On the internet do a search for "diabetes" and you will find much educational material. American Diabetes Association for one.
Please dont wait, it is a silent killer.
Please check the following site.
Try this site…, see if it will help u figure things out, theres several other sites…good luck. Let us knw how it goes, email sometimes to let me know how u doing.