Kidney Stone Herbal Treatment

by Symptom Advice on March 26, 2011

Benefits of Stonil Capsule

  • Dissolves kidney stones
  • Cleanses the kidney and helps pass the stone particles
  • Relieves renal colic
  • Protects the urinary tract from infection
  • Prevents the formation of future stones

Kidney stone is found to effect a large population of the world. This problem can be treated in number of ways depending on the stone type, location, size and number.Stonil Kidney Stone Capsules are natural herbal product that is very helpful in the kidney stones treatment & kidney stone removal. This product is primarily made of natural herbs which are capable of crushing the stone or making it small enough so that the fragments can be spontaneously and readily removed from the body.Kidney Stones are made of salts and minerals such as calcium, phosphate or oxalate. Urinary tract consist of the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. The stone is usually formed in the kidney part of the urinary tract and may remain there unnoticed for a long period if time, but when left untreated could develop into kidney failure or prostrate cancer. these minerals are absorbed from food, and instead of getting excreted through urine, they sometimes stick together to form small ‘stones’. This stone is formed when all the salts and minerals combine together to form small crystals in the kidney.Due to presence of excessive inorganic mineral waste and insufficient fluid, sharp edged stones are formed. Passing of these stones from body becomes very painful. sometimes, stones dissolve and come out, but during this process, certain fragments remain in the narrow tract, resulting in pain. according to Ayurveda, stones are formed in the body because of vata. Men are likely to develop kidney stones more frequently then women within the urinary tract.

Main Herbal Combinations used in STONIL Herbal Capsule are:

IngredientsquantitySaxifraga ligulata150 mgZea mays75 mgVetiver zizanioides75 mgNigella sativa25 mgCoriander sativum25 mgVernonia cinerea25 mg

“Who else wants to Learn The Herbal Formula to Quickly and Easily Dissolve your Kidney Stones, and Flush them Out Of your System”

Even If Everything else has FailedFor You, This Remedy will Work —And It will Work fast!

You may be wondering what exactly a kidney stone is. well hopefully after reading this you will have a better understanding as to what is happening in your urinary tract.

A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms from crystallization of excreted substances in the urine. different kinds of kidney stones are formed from salts in the urine.

The stone may stay in the kidney or even break loose and travel down the urinary tract. A small stone may actually leave the body, however larger stones can get stuck in the ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder) or the urethra (the tube that connects to the bladder and allows urine to exit the body). A stone can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. in rare cases kidney stones can grow to the size of golf balls. they are smooth or jagged in texture and range in color from yellow to brown. There are many different types of kidney stones.

* Calcium Stones (This is the primary type, and my remedy dissolves these literally within hours)* Struvite Stones (These types can lead to infection in the urinary tract)* Uric Acid Stones (When too much acid in the urine)* Cystine Stones (These stones are very rare, and usually hereditary

What do your Kidneys do?The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs in your abdomen which form a part of the urinary tract. they are responsible for filtering waste products and useful chemicals from your blood and eliminating the waste products into the urine. without the kidneys, waste products and toxins would build up to dangerous levels in the blood and damage your body.

Your kidneys also regulate the body’s level of necessary substances like water, sodium and potassium. The correct balance of such substances is vital for your body to function healthily, but excess amounts can be harmful.

As well as removing wastes, the kidneys are also responsible for releasing vital hormones. Renin is an important hormone for regulating salt levels and blood pressure. Erythropoietin is vital in the process of red blood cell formation in the bone marrow.

The kidneys also produce the biologically active form of Vitamin D which is used for absorbing calcium and maintaining the health and strength of your bone

What can go wrong with your Kidneys?As with all organs of the body, the kidneys are subject to a range of disorders and diseases. Kidney damage usually takes place gradually and without symptoms and it may only be after years of kidney disease that kidney functioning becomes noticeably decreased. Some people are born with only one kidney or donate one of their kidneys to a family member or friend. these people can live healthy, normal lives as long as their remaining kidney stays healthy. in kidney disease one can lose more than 75% of kidney functioning before the effects become obvious.

The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. If you or your family has a history of these diseases, you may be at risk for kidney problems. Some kidney diseases are inherited, for example Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Infection, direct injury, poisons and drugs (Like prescription or over-the-counter painkillers) can also lead to serious kidney damage or dysfunction.

All of the above disorders and diseases can lead to decreased kidney function or kidney (renal) failure. This may happen suddenly (Acute Renal Failure) or, more commonly, gradually over years of disease (Chronic Renal Failure).Kidney stones are also a very common problem. these are formed by clumps of crystals which can block the urinary system. Depending on the size of ak kidney stone, it may be passed out in the urine unnoticed or cause severe pain – some may even require surgery.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease?In the early stages of kidney disease, many people experience no symptoms at all. as kidney functioning deteriorates one may develop the following problems* A decreased amount of urine* Urine that looks foamy or dark* Pain in the flanks* High blood pressure* Loss of appetite* Nausea and vomiting* Itchiness* Swollen face, hands or feet* Muscle cramps

How is kidney disease diagnosed?Although there are a number of tests that may be done to establish kidney disease, the urine sample your doctor takes is a common way that kidney problems may be first identified. for example, blood, protein, or white blood cells in the urine may indicate injury, infection, or inflammation of the kidneys, and glucose in the urine may be an indication of diabetes.How is kidney disease usually treated?The treatment of kidney disease will depend on the specific condition and may involve a number of prescription drugs including antibiotics and steroids. The control of blood pressure and diabetes also plays a major role in preventing further damage to diseased kidneys. in the case of kidney failure, dialysis (filtering of the blood by an artificial kidney machine) is required. in severe and irreversible cases of kidney failure, a kidney transplant may be necessary.

Can natural remedies help?If left untreated, kidney disease can become irreversible and can be a significant threat to your health. People with diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of kidney disease also need to actively prevent kidney disease and keep these organs in optimum condition.Kidney problems respond well to complementary medicine and a holistic approach (including diet). these will improve kidney functioning and ultimately decrease the need for prescription drugs or surgery.

What is Stonil?Stonil is a 100% herbal remedy containing herbs known for their ability to improve the functioning of both healthy and diseased kidneys and act as a tonic for the entire urinary system.

how do I use Stonil?Dosage: One capsule twice a day with water.

How long till I see results?With regular use, results should be noticed within 3 – 6 weeks, although some people may respond sooner.

How long does one bottle last?One bottle of Stonil should last 4 weeks.A 75-90 day supply is offered at a discount.

What else can help?Avoid a high protein intake in your diet.Drink at least 8 glasses of purified water daily.If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, keep it well controlled.STONIL CAPSULES are made from natural herbs which help to crush the stone or make it small enough so that the body can spontaneously removes these fragments.Q- how much time it takes to get STONIL CAPSULES?A- we make sure that this excellent product from Hashmi Ayurvedic Cure reaches you within 5-7 days in any part of the world.

Christina H.

In March ’04, I had a difficult stone to pass and required a Dr ‘s assistance. At that time I had an MRI that showed I had 12+ small stones in each Kidney. since then, I have had two incidences where I have got the pain of a stone trying to pass. The first took about 4 miserable days to pass. Then the week before last, I started to have the same symptoms and after a few days, I was desperate.

So, I got on the Internet and found your (Stonil Capsule) it sounded reasonable to me. so, I tried it. by the next morning the pain was gone. However, about two days later I had another stone start to move, so I decided to take another dose of the remedy and it worked overnight also.

Since then I have passed some small stones with very little discomfort. I would recommend stone sufferers to at least give this herbal remedy a try.

From the desk of Joe BartonLast Updated: February 3, 2011

Dear friend,

We’ve never met. but, I think we share a common interest. that interest is in getting rid of your kidney stones quickly, safely and naturally – without expensive medical bills, pain meds or surgery!

My name is Joe Barton and I have discovered and perfected a safe and natural herbal product Stonil Capsule that has helped thousands of other kidney stone sufferers dissolve their kidney stones into small, sand-like particles, and then pass them without pain.

This Product safe, natural and herbal product Stonil Capsule will be explained to you in full detail when you buy my exclusive Kidney Stone Removal Report, right here on this website.( Don’t worry, the remedy is very easy to use.

- Douglas T., USA

“ after a routine physical, my doctor that found my kidneys were not functioning as they should. after a month of taking Stonil Capsule [I saw improvement]. Thanks very much for a great product. ”

Purchase STONIL Capsule with Confidence. Based on Scientific Clinical Research, it’s 100% Guaranteed to Work.

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