The following sites have news, information and perspective on a number of important social subjects. We hope you will take the time to visit each one.
Online home of the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting the lives of vulnerable and chronically ill people. Originally established to protect the life of Terri Schiavo, the foundation is operated by Terri’s parents and siblings and their work continues.
The Rollye James Show
Weeknights from 10.00p to 1.00a Eastern Time, join Rollye James for news and commentary on the events of the day, society, life, politics and more.
Justice now!
A community organization dedicated to truth and justice. Justice Now’s mission is to helping victims of injustice and exposing unethical and illegal activity in the courtroom perpetrated by the very people who are appointed to uphold the rules and structure of the criminal justice system.
Serving Northern New York and beyond.
Olive Branch Press
Endeavors to glorify and serve God, by educating, edifying and entertaining his people. We will do this by providing quality materials that help to develop a Biblical worldview. We desire to be used by God to draw non-believers into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and believers to a closer walk with Him.
Property Rights Foundation of America
Working to ensure property rights for all. Site contains news, legislative information and more.
Pro-Life Blogs
This site disseminates unique news and commentary on life oriented issues and events that are ignored or under reported by traditional news sources. A diverse team of editors and contributors, each with news, reporting, commentary, or editorial experience, work to provide compelling content that will inform our readers, lead to a greater understanding, promote constructive dialog and facilitate change within our culture and society.
Victims of Guardians
The Terri Schiavo case was all about unlawful “guardianship”, with continuing coverup all through the courts. it is one of the very worst examples of what corrupt judges and unethical lawyers can do with the power of life and death in their hands.