by Symptom Advice on March 31, 2011

In the early stages of prostate cancer often no symptoms, meaning the time a person to detect the symptoms that the disease has usually spread to other parts of the body such as bone glands or lymph. it is important that you consult your doctor if you do any of the symptoms outlined in this article, to be sure that you do not have prostate cancer.

Risk factors for prostate cancer that becomes are smoking, high alcohol consumption, family history, exposure to heavy metals, eating high amounts of saturated fat, and an inactive lifestyle. some breeds, particularly African American, are also prone to the disease, which is the most common in men over the age of 70. so age is the major risk factor.

  • What is it?

The prostate is a gland found in men’s sexual organs. Men who have one or more of the above risk factors, particularly age, family history and diet of high fat, particular care should be sure they have regular checks, especially since most people do not experience early symptoms of this disease.

Many of the previous samples of prostate cancer are easily confused with other problems such as leg pain or upper back, and urinary problems.

  • Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Other disorders of the prostate that can cause similar symptoms, thus confirming the presence of cancer, tests need to be made. the usual symptoms of prostate cancer, however, are as follows: –

  • frequent urination
  • difficulty urinating (holding it in, or the start)
  • a painful, burning urination
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • blood in urine or semen
  • hurts to ejaculate
  • hurts inside

hips, pelvic region, lower back or thighs

If pain is experienced in areas with exception of the area or groin of the prostate, it could be a sign that the cancer has spread to adjacent parts of the body. If you experience this symptom man then matter is very serious, and he needs to see your doctor immediately.

Although these symptoms may also indicate a benign condition, you should still consult your doctor to have them checked out, and confirm whether you do or do not have cause to worry.

  • Treatment

If cancer is confirmed and is in its advanced stages, then the outlook is poor. the cancer may be removed by surgery, but this one just buy the patient more time. If cancer is detected early enough, then the treatment can extend your life or even remove the cancer together. Treatment options that can be used together or alone, are as follows.

Surgery: the prostate and surrounding tissue are removed under a procedure known as radical prostatectomy. the sexual life must cease, then surgery may allow the remaining nerve tissue enough so that erections are possible.

Radiation: a beam of radiation is directed onto the prostate outside the body. Alternatively, the doctor may use a needle to plant a radioactive seeds into the prostate. both of these can be experienced as outpatients.

Note: If the patient is older or has other medical problems, then this is usually the approach. a doctor examines the patient regularly, watching for any changes. you take no action unless obvious changes occur.

  • What treatment?

Treatments are generally discussed between the patient and family, a doctor or a number of doctors. Weighing up the benefits, side effects and processes, the treatment decision is taken, according to what is generally felt to be the best in each particular case.

Tags: Cancer Symptoms Of, Pancreatic Cancer, Signs Of Symptoms, Stage Of Cancer, Symptoms And Signs —

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