Mold Allergy Symptoms ? Mold Allergies Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on February 21, 2011

Mold, or mould, is a microorganism which is also known as ‘fungi’. and an allergic reaction is the hyper sensitive reaction that breaks out in our body when an unwanted foreign particle enters our system. From obvious sources like garbage bags to unthinkable ones like carpets, cooling units in the refrigerator, many places in your abode house mold. the culprits that trigger an allergic reaction are microscopic and air borne which makes it hard to block them from our system. with symptoms like asthma, blocked nose, red eyes, sinusitis and skin rashes, the person suffering from a mold allergy faces a tough time. all these symptoms are similar to the effects seen when the patient has a common cold or flu leading to incorrect diagnosis. Thus, it is essential to keep a careful eye out and observe whether the conditions worsen at a particular place only or if the cold is not getting any better even after 2 weeks or so. If this is the case, consult a doctor and determine the source of your allergy. Read the following section if you have been diagnosed with mold allergy to learn more.

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