my baby does not cry. is this autism symptoms? baby hears and responds appropriately to sound.
Ask your pediatrician. My son is now 6, was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at age 3. he did not cry much at all as an infant. without more information, I can't really answer your question, but if you are concerned, your pediatrician is the best way to go. also, the best piece of advice I have received from any doctor is this- "YOU and you alone are the only expert on your child…if you disagree with any doctor, don't assume you are wrong because you don't have a doctorate degree!"
It is hard to say whether or not the lack of crying is a red flag for autism. how old is your baby?
If it were me, I would first look at all developmental milestones, going by your child's age, has he/she reached those milestones he/she should've by now? or are some lacking?
A pediatrician is a good place to start voicing your concerns, however, most states have an early intervention program, something like a first Steps, or Head Start, they usually do evaluations for free or low cost.
Below is a link to page that will let you look age by age what developmental milestones your child should've met. if you have any concerns after looking at this, then take the page to your child's doctor, asking for some kind of referral to someone who can evaluate your child just in case there is some problem, better safe than sorry.
Any type of delay is easier overcome the sooner it is spotted.…
Hope this helps and Good Luck!
Get your kid tested. My brother was like that, turns out he just has a really high IQ.