Natural Treatments for Menopause

by Symptom Advice on February 27, 2011

Have you been experiencing hot flashes? Night sweats? Insomnia? Anxiety or mood swings?  these and other symptoms may be due to hormonal imbalances and can occur during menopause or peri-menopause, which is the ten to fifteen year period that leads up to the menopause. these symptoms can make you feel desperate, or at least annoyed. Know that you are not alone with your symptoms and that relief is in sight.

Chinese medicine offers wonderful natural treatments for menopause. One of my favorite herbal remedies for treating menopausal symptoms, is Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan. This formula tonifies kidney yin and clears the excess heat from the body, relieving night sweats and often helping with insomnia, dry skin, irritability and other problems.

What is kidney yin deficiency?  Kidney yin deficiency is the primary cause of menopausal symptoms, according to Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys, in particular kidney yin, are responsible for birth, growth and reproduction. As the yin of that organ declines, so does the kidney’s ability to support a woman’s reproductive cycle. Yin, among other attributes, is the cooling and moistening element in Chinese Medicine; yin steadily declines as women age and approach menopause. Yin deficiency makes us more prone to dry skin, hair, eyes; day and night sweats; bone loss; stress; and other symptoms. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help support our bodies as we go through these changes by smoothing our energy or qi, building our yin, and strengthening our bodies.

During  menopause, and preferably before, women can also ease this transition by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil, fish oil and flaxseeds. getting regular exercise and practicing regular relaxation techniques such as meditation, qi gong or tai chi is also very beneficial.

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