Pancreatitis In Dogs

by Symptom Advice on February 20, 2011

Pancreatitis in dogs occurs when digestive enzymes in the pancreas begin to break down tissue. this life-threatening disease usually affects older, female dogs. Breeds such as miniature poodle, miniature schnauzer, and cocker spaniel also have an increased risk.


Dog pancreatitis can occur for no known reason. there are also various things that can cause it. They include ingestion of toxins, certain medications, and obesity. your dog’s diet can also play a role, as dogs that ingest a lot of fatty meat have an increased risk. an obstruction of the pancreatic duct or kidney disease are also common causes.


If your dog has pancreatitis, he will display a range of symptoms. When lying down, your dog will likely have his rear end up in the air. He will also arch his back when standing up. Other symptoms of this disease include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.


Pancreatitis in dogs is initially treated by withdrawing food and water for 24 hours. this will give your dog’s pancreas much needed rest and will stop production of digestive enzymes. If the pancreatic duct is blocked, surgery will be required to correct it. your dog will also be given drugs to help control vomiting and pain. Secondary infections can also become a problem, so antibiotics may be necessary.


With medications and a new diet, some dogs are able to recover from this condition. however, there are many complications that can complicate recovery. this includes medical conditions such as liver or kidney failure, heart problems, or diabetes.

In addition to pancreatitis, there are many other conditions that can affect your dog such as canine tapeworms. any responsible owner should want to know the causes and symptoms of some of these conditions in case they affect your dog. provides all of the information you need about a wide range of diseases. So, stop by right now to learn about some of these conditions like canine bladder stones

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