name of disease
scientific name
old names
who does it affect
what part of the body is targeted
how is is contracted
how can you give it
can you get it more than once
external symptoms
excessive sweating
hand or foot spasms
uncontrolled urination or defacation
swallowing difficulty
internal symptoms
how are symptoms usually treated
how long does it take to heal cure
whatare accepted medicines for this disease
antibiotics including penicillin clindamycin erythromycin or metronidazole
issurgery a possibility
find a microscope pictre of the organisjm lable
find pictures of symptoms
when was it first discovered
any major outbreaks epidemics
any interesting history
famous people who have died from it how many peopole a year die form it
Tetanus leads to death in about 1 in 10 cases
four interesting facts
frequently asked questions 4
common mythis with the truth need 4
please answer as much as you can i need all the help i can get
thanks in advance