I assume you aren’t on your period since you didn’t state it, but if you are, it could be cramps related to that.you might have a stomach bug, which should pass within a day or two.Also, pathogens cause all infections/diseases. Colds are caused by pathogens.——-There is a small chance that your abdominal pain could be because of a more serious condition, called appendicitis. this is the swelling of the appendix and requires -immediate- medical attention.Call your local emergency department or emergency medical service (such as 911) if:-Your pain is severe, sudden, or sharp-You have a fever along with your pain-You are vomiting blood or have bloody diarrhea-You have a rigid, hard abdomen that is tender to touch-You are unable to pass stool, especially if you are also vomiting-You have chest, neck, or shoulder pain-You are dizzy or light-headed
haha paranoia ALWAYS happens right after you learn about something..calm down, take a deep breath..you dont have a pathogen..your probably coming down with the flu..its going around..or sometimes your stomach just has off days..could you have eaten something bad? just take a deeo breath..this kinda stuff happens erryday(:
Do you have your period yet? Maybe you just have an abdominal cramps.
It’s acid reflux.
theres an alien eating ur insides, or pregnant