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Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that affects the way the brain processes signals from the eyes and ears. the primary dyslexia symptoms cluster around the ability to read, spell and deal with the symbols used to put words and ideas on paper. Dyslexia affects possibly 1 out of every 10 people.
There are different theories about what causes dyslexia. the two most prominent theories are an underdeveloped medulla (part of the brain) and defects in the developmental migration of brain cells.
During the developmental processes that a fetus goes through before birth, brain cells must migrate from where they are formed to where they are supposed to end up. Sometimes they get side-tracked and end up in other nearby places. This difference in placement appears to contribute to dyslexia.
With the medullar theory of what causes dyslexia, specialists treat the problem with exercises designed to stimulate and promote further development of the medulla. With the cells migration theory specialists treat dyslexia by training dyslexics to use their brains differently to get to the same results.
Probably 90-95% of adult dyslexics do not know that they have dyslexia. It is important to be able to recognize the primary dyslexia symptoms to see if you or someone you know may actually be a dyslexic in need of training as to how to deal with it.
Once identified and diagnosed, dyslexia can be overcome. there is a positive side to it that has been called “the gift of dyslexia”. many famous people are dyslexic, including entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, actor Tom Cruise and hundreds of others.
To be able to use the “gift of dyslexia” you must first overcome the limiting problems it brings. the first step is to get a full professional test to determine if you are dyslexic or not and, if so, what exact dyslexia symptoms do you have, since everyone is different.
Fortunately, there is now excellent adult dyslexia testing available online for less than the cost of dinner for two at a medium-priced restaurant!
Disclaimer: This posting is based on information freely available in the popular press and medical journals that deal with dyslexia. nothing herein is intended to be or should be construed to be medical advice. For medical advice the reader should consult with his or her physician or other medical specialist.