Psoriasis Food Intolerance

by Symptom Advice on February 8, 2011

If you suffer from bloating, chronic headaches, general fatigue, diarrhea, eczema or a number of other symptoms, you may have an allergy or food intolerance. One of the most common food allergies or intolerances is an allergy to wheat. unfortunately for someone who is intolerant to wheat, wheat is found in many foods. Food manufacturers use it as a cheap substitute for a large number of substances more expensive. The good news is that a wheat-free diet can help combat all the symptoms.

it is also possible that you can only have intolerance soft wheat. in fact, many people eat wheat as your body begins to decline slightly. Thus, although wheat is said to be very healthy people, many end wheat intolerance. If sometimes dizziness, nausea, sneezing without apparent reason or meets inexplicable pains and pains then your body might be rejecting wheat slightly, without even realizing it. most people tend to dismiss these symptoms, thinking they have a mild cold, worked very hard that day or just too tired. If you are intolerant to wheat, but wheat-free diet can help relieve symptoms, if, unlike most people, you may realize that the processing of wheat is a real problem.

on the other hand, you may need a full-blown allergy to wheat. If you are experiencing severe chronic headaches, eczema, psoriasis or any other symptoms, more intense, your body can completely reject all wheat products.

in any case, a wheat-free diet will make you feel a little better. however, once you enter into a wheat-free diet, you may not come back. A sometimes, if you have a mild intolerance, might be able to go back to eating wheat over time, but not likely. If you have a full allergy Wheat, no but there is no way I can return. Your body is simply not allowed to re-introduce wheat products. If you go on the diet, be sure to consult a professional reading food labels for substances problem. many articles on food labels are directly related to wheat.

Some Recent studies also indicate a direct relationship between wheat and dyslexia, and possibly other medical conditions. these studies showed that children with dyslexia after going on a diet free from wheat, suddenly improved their grades, paid better attention in school and, in general, became more alert and capable of processing information better.

His other symptoms with a wheat allergy can include cramps, bloating, irritable bowel, unexplained cold like symptoms or headaches. no matter what your symptoms, it is always best to consult an expert. once you know that wheat is indeed your problem, you can decide if the diet without Wheat is the right choice for you. you should weigh your options carefully before jumping directly in

About the Author

Evelyn Lim is an eczema sufferer who has managed to treat herself from ailing skin. She publishes about her experience and her tips on eczema natural remedies in her newsletter. Gain access to her newsletter here at

Food Intolerance and Chronic Symptoms

Tags: celiac, food, foodintolerancetesting, gluten, health,, psoriasis food intolerance Related posts

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