Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Guide

by Symptom Advice on April 29, 2011

Sexually transmitted diseases are increasing nowadays when more people have begun to enter multiple sexual relationships. Might not consider this ethically wrong, but the fact is that such people are more prone to sexually transmitted diseases. However, if unfortunately one gets infected by any disease, ailment is best to start as soon as possible for these diseases have the potential to ruin your entire life. People often are embarrassed and afraid to reveal their problem to others, even friends, but do not realize that the diagnosis of delay endangers his life. therefore, as soon as the fear of sexually transmitted infection, approach a doctor.

This article informs readers about sexually transmitted diseases and the main symptoms.

1. AIDS and HIV

or transmission through HIV-AIDS are two diseases are related. HIV stands for ‘human immunodeficiency virus and the disease that spreads through it is known as AIDS ie’ acquired immune deficiency syndrome. “HIV travels through blood. can be transmitted an HIV positive person to his partner through sex. it can also pass the HIV positive mother to her child via infected breast milk and even an infected needle or other equipment that come into contact with the blood of HIV positive to any another person who is treated with the same devices.

immune system and symptoms-weak and susceptible to infections than usual. HIV leads to AIDS when the HIV patient acquires a particular indicative disease.

or preventive measures have not quite yet. But avoid taking drugs. Maintain good hygiene.

or infected by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, is the cause of this infection. once this bacterium enters the body of the individual that affects mucous membranes, eyelids and even reproductive tissues.

Symptoms or symptoms, chlamydia is often confused with another similar STD called Gonorrhea and even the eyelids due to infection with conjunctivitis. Common symptoms of this disease are pain during sex discharge, burning and abnormal. Chlamydia can be without any typical indications also.

and Prevention, the disease is curable. as a precautionary measure should maintain hygiene during sex and get medical examination done in order to avoid infection.

3. Pelvic inflammatory disease, usually women are afflicted by this disease. it is an infection of the upper genital tract and reproductive organs including ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.

or spread through-Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the two STDs that are most often responsible for this disease. Women aged 15 to 25 years of age are more likely to be infected by it. Excess douching can also lead to PID for clean natural beneficial bacteria in the vagina of women.

When symptoms or ill-PID, women may experience fever, pain during intercourse, burning and even.

Precautions or antibiotics and cures are useful to cure PID. However, it is advisable to have regular checkups done and if the disease is discovered medicines and proper treatment must begin the moment the PID can be unexpectedly harmful in later stages.

4. Gonorrhea infected person’s sensitive tissues of the reproductive system.

o a person can acquire this disease through all types of sexual contacts like oral sex.

Signs, or indicators of gonorrhea are very few who are even more difficult to resolve and thus prevent being transmitted from one to the other person through sex. the symptoms are similar to Chlamydia for the two diseases are likely to be confused with each other. a person suffering from Gonorrhea experiences discharge, burning, pain during sexual activity, inflammation, fever and other infections like women may have bleeding between periods.

Remedies or safety, and treatment should begin at an early stage to cure gonorrhea. those who are active in sexual life should get checks done on a regular basis to be on a safer side.

Apart from these there are several other sexually transmitted diseases are not discussed here, such as hepatitis, scabies, herpes, syphilis, HPV, etc, which are more common in. it is better to acquire information about them once they have sex and consult a gynecologist from time to time to avoid any sexual transmitted diseases.

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