Signs and Symptoms of Food Allergy

by Symptom Advice on December 14, 2010

For some people an allergic reaction to a particular food can be uncomfortable, but not serious. for other people, a food-allergic reaction can be frightening and even life-threatening. Signs and symptoms of a food allergy usually develop within a few minutes to an hour after eating the offending food.

The most common signs and symptoms of a true food allergy are: *

Tintelingen in the mouth

* Galbulten, itching or eczema

* Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body

* a wheezing, nasal congestion or difficulty in breathing

* Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting

* Dizziness, light or fainting

symptoms depends on what type of food allergy you have.

In a severe allergic reaction to food, called anaphylaxis, You can have more extreme symptoms including this life-threatening signs and symptoms:

* Design of the airways, such as a swollen throat or a lump in the throat, which makes it difficult to breathe

* Shock With a sharp drop in blood pressure

* fast heartbeat

* Dizziness, light or loss of consciousness

Emergency treatment is of crucial importance in the treatment of anaphylaxis. Food anaphylaxis is responsible for thousands of emergency room visits and as many as 200 deaths in the United States each year.

Exercise-induced food allergy

Some people have an allergic reaction to a food which is caused by exercise. if the body is stimulated by exercise, a person with an exercise-induced food allergy May feel itchy and lightheaded. in severe cases it can lead to reactions such as hives or anaphylaxis. not eating for a few hours before the exercise of this problem can be avoided.

Oral allergy syndrome

Some fresh vegetables and fruits can lead to a mild allergic reaction that causes the foot to Tingle or itching. This is an example of cross-reactivity, proteins in vegetables and fruits because they cause the reaction ‘re similar to those allergy causing proteins found in certain pollens. for example, if you ‘re allergic to ragweed, you may also react to melons, if you ‘ re allergic to birch pollen, you may also react to apples. most cooked vegetables and fruits generally do not lead to cross-reactive oral allergy symptoms.


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