Skin Symptoms – Hormonal?

by Symptom Advice on February 15, 2011

So the short story is… I broke up w/ my boyfriend of 7 years in June, also moved out of my parents house (lived w/ them for 25 yrs) into an apartment, had major changes at work (promotion, new manager, staff turnover…) so that was all in the last 3 months and during all of that i messed up my birth control pills about 4 times – i probably had my period every other week this summer. So I started becoming lethargic (most likely from the constant loss of blood) and my mother, who's a nurse, had me start taking vitamin c and iron because the doctor said i was most likely anemic due to acute blood loss. well the vitamins have helped with the energy- but my skin has been very bothersome the past couple months. I get what looks like ingrown hairs everywhere – my arms, legs, breasts. they dont seem to heal well, and just seem to fill with fluid. I also have yellowish/brownish marks show up on the skin that feel like they're filled with fluid also – not raised off the skin like a pimple, more flat. also in various areas i have what feels like fluid filled lumps under the skin – and the skin feels like it's hardening or thickening above it. this is occuring on my collar bone, in front and behind my ears, my upper back along the spine/shoulder blade, lower back, lower legs around knees – around joints i guess! sometimes these areas also feel like something is crackling under the skin if i press on it. oh this is also happening along/under my jaw and my cheeks. and my eyes have seemed swollen as well. I've stopping taking my pill all together now – so I'm hoping these symptoms are due to major hormonal changes these past few months??

You need to consult a dermatologist ASAP…these symptoms are very odd, and most likely not related to hormonal changes–they may be indications of something a lot more serious. Please go see a doctor for this.

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