Genital warts are usually found around or on the penis or vagina. there is more than one HPV treatment for these growths around the genital area. Contact with the infected areas can cause them to spread to other areas or people. Genital warts vary in size from barely noticeable to the size of large pimples. They often appear in groups of three or four and may grow and spread rapidly. They can also often cause pain or even bleeding.
Genital warts are the result of having HPV. HPV is also known as the Human Papilloma Virus and is very common. it is an STD, or sexually transmitted disease. if you discover that you have HPV, don’t get too upset. over half of middle-aged America has some evidence of being infected. in the majority of cases the warts will go away on their own, but there is no cure for HPV so they may come back. if someone is infected they will often wait to see fi they go away on their own. if they spread then there are many treatments options to get rid of genital warts.
if the genital warts are visible, you should not have sex. if you do you should always wear a condom. the warts are highly contagious and can easily be passed on when present. even wearing protection is not enough for some warts if they are present. It’s risky either way. you just want to take every step there is to take when having safe sex and portecting the person you are with, because you do not want to give something to anyone.
certain types of HPV are known to cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, vulvular cancer, and cancer of the penis. for women, a simple pap test will tell if you have cervical cancer. if you have HPV it is important to see your doctor regularly to check for cancer or abnormal growths.
you can treat genital warts to make them go away. get advice from your doctor before doing anything. there is cryotherapy, it is where they are frozen off. then you have electrocautery, where they are burned off with electricity. then there is laser surgery, where they are burned off with a high-intensity laser. there is surgical excision, where they are cut out. and finally, there is Wartrol and other medicines. Wartrol is a homeopathic treatment and taken orally for quick symptom relief.
Tags: Genital warts, HPV symptoms, HPV Treatment, wartrol