Symptoms Of A Bladder Infection

by Symptom Advice on May 9, 2011

Symptoms of Bladder Infections

In this post I want to cover some common symptoms of bladder infections. Sadly most of us will experience some sort of bladder infection, otherwise known as a urinary tract infection, at some stage in our lives. Most of these can be treated at home but some more chronic UTI’s will need further medical treatment.

If you have ever experienced any sort of bladder infection you will know how frustrating and debilitating they can be and how difficult to find a really good bladder infection treatment. there never seems to be a quick fix or instant relief from the pain.

If you are experiencing some discomfort at the moment but are not sure if you have a bladder infection symptom I have listed the most common ones below. For common causes of a bladder infection click here.

Here is a lists of some of the most common symptoms of a bladder infection:* burning sensation when you urinate* frequent or intense urge to urinate, but little urine comes out when you do* pressure or pain in your lower abdomen or back* cloudy, dark, bloody, or strange-smelling urine* feeling shaky and probably tired* fever or chills

If you are suffering from any of the above and think you might have a bladder infection then go and see your doctor. They will probably ask you for a urinary sample which will be sent of to be analysed for any bacteria which might be causing your bladder infection symptoms.

Bladder Infection TreatmentsDoctors will generally prescribe some sort of antibiotics to destroy the bacteria. Remember it’s really important you finish the whole cycle prescribed.

Drinking lots of water and cranberry juice will help as this will help flush your system and make it easier for the body to cope and get rid of the bacteria causing your infection. this is a well known urinary tract infection treatment. In fact what you eat and drink might be having a big effect on the symptoms of your bladder infection.

Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

About 1 in 5 women will experience a second urinary tract infection. this secondary infection is normally caused by a different stronger type of bacteria. These stronger bacteria are generally immune to antibiotics. these types of bacteria are much harder to treat and are known as chronic UTI’s or chronic cystitis.

If you are struggling to manage your bladder infection and looking for a more natural bladder infection treatment click the link below.

Click here for more bladder infection tretament info.

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