Symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on February 15, 2011

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer, if there is any?
Is there usually a lump about there? I heard heavy periods can be a symptom, is that true? Along with unusual red discharge too?

Symptoms of cervical cancer may include the following:
Unusually heavy discharge. Watery, foul smelling, thick, or mucusy discharge may be cause for alarm.
Pelvic Pain- Pain that is unrelated to your menstrual cycle can be a symptom. It ranges from dull to horrible and lasting several hours.
Pain during urination- Bladder pain is a symptom of advanced cervical cancer.
Bleeding between periods, after sex, pelvic exam and douching.
For more information go to the following site-ā€¦

It's also important to get a regular pap smear to catch any abnormal cells early and test for HPV virus, which can increase cervical cancer risk. relative to other cancers, cervical is slow moving and can often be successfully treated because pap smears help detect it early.

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