Symptoms of Hormone Deficiencies Can be Alleviated with Bio-Identical Hormone Treatment: Women Articles

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

When men and women experience a hormonal imbalance, distressing symptoms like lowered sex drive, intellectual fogginess, moodiness, sleeping disorders, night sweats, weight gain, headaches, and extreme irritability can occur. These problems can be symptomatic of deficiencies in estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone and all can be helped with natural hormone replacement therapy.

Natural hormone replacement therapy works in harmony with our systems because it uses bio-identical hormones; hormones that are found naturally in plants and flowers, and have molecular structures identical to the hormones produced by our bodies. for example, natural progesterone is derived from yams and soybeans. This particular medication is usually formulated in a cream that is applied to the skin. it does wonders for some of the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. in this formula, progesterone is available over the counter – no prescription is necessary. it is interesting to note that progesterone has been called the “mother of all hormones,” since it is also known as the precursor, or producer, of both estrogen and testosterone, as well as other hormones that the adrenal gland produces. Progesterone not only affects our libidos, but is also important in regulating essential levels in our blood, such as our glucose levels and electrolytes, for smooth heart, nerve and muscle operation. it also contributes to healthy blood pressure and stress control.

When taken in appropriate dosages, bio-identicals are no more threatening to human health than other naturally occurring substances, such as normal water. Anything taken in excess can create imbalances, so the amount of bio-identical hormones consumed or utilized should be monitored. Bio-identical hormones are most frequently prescribed for you by a doctor, and created for your unique body by a compounding pharmacist.

In 2002, a medical study found that the synthetically produced hormones being prescribed for women as HRT were actually more hazardous than beneficial. it was found that these artificial hormones were producing increased rates of breast cancer and heart disease in research participants, so prescribing such replacement therapy was abruptly discontinued in 2002. Usage of bio-identical hormones was a natural offshoot of the discontinuance of an unhealthy medical program.

Unlike many types of medications, bio-identical hormones do not commonly conflict with other prescribed drugs. in fact, the need for other prescriptions may even decrease.

Hormone replacement therapy is not necessary or even desirable for everyone. Whether natural or synthetic, humans have been functioning and aging without artificial additives to the body. However, because bio-identicals are derived from plants, it is possible that some indigenous populations have been using them for centuries.

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