Tested positive and should be about 4 weeks along, what symptoms should i be experiencing?

by Symptom Advice on March 15, 2011

i have none so far, except indigestion, and sore breasts.

what symptoms should i start experiencing?

everyone is different, sounds like you are pretty lucky with the symptoms you have, it could be worse like nausea and things like that, just relax and enjoy it while you can lol. good luck.

I luckily through my whole pregnancy have only had sore breasts, but from what I have heard you should start getting pretty strong symptoms around 8 weeks or so, although everyone is different so you may get them earlier, or like me have none at all!

I am about 4 weeks along myself. Symptoms usually don't get major for a few weeks and some women do not get morning sickness. I am super tired, that is a very common sign early on. So is frequent urination and acne. Those are my symtoms. go on Babyfit.com and join the mommy teams message boards. I am in a few. There is an april 2010 one that you should join, the women there are due the same month as us and are good to compare symptoms or ask questions too. its very fun.

These are all possible symptoms.

?missed menstrual period
?extreme fatigue
?frequent urination
?tender breasts
?feeling faint

I am abut 4 weeks pregnant and have about all of them. but each person is different and everyone reacts to baby differently. If you have no symptoms consider yourself lucky. Good luck and congrats.

go here: americanpregnancy.org/getting…

they have great explanations!
But not everyone experiences symptoms, I just wish you're not with me in morning sickness ;)

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