When your baby is about five or six month, you need to be aware since she will face another milestone in her life. this is the period when your baby will start to teeth. the exact teething time will be different from a baby to others. you will know the time after recognizing the symptoms. Remember, this is natural process, so there is nothing to worry about it. Some babies will feel so painful and their parents have to take them to the doctor. but that rarely happens. all the pain will turn to happiness when you look at two teeth appears on the bottom gum. your baby will look so cute with the new teeth.
You are recommended to check your baby lower and middle gum regularly especially when you notice the swollen or inflamed gum. sometimes the swollen gum is only at the place where the teeth will appear. you can be so surprised look at the tooth slowly rises through the gums. However, your baby will feel uncomfortable during the process. she may become easily irritated and start drooling a lot. Again, this is normal condition that you do not have to worry about. Some babies start biting down on anything which they get in their hand. Rarely, there are some babies who get fever. you have to be ready when your baby wakes up more than usual at night. this is understandable since your baby cannot sleep tight due to the pain.
There are few cases during the teething period that babies tend to sneeze, cough, and have running nose. Perhaps this is because they starts putting and biting everything which are not in good hygiene. another possibility is the teeth will keep moving and affect the sinus. Automatically, your baby’s appetite will be poor during the teething period. therefore, you need to make sure that your baby hold clean items to avoid any influenza symptoms. Rest assured, as soon as the entire teething process is over, everything is well and things will get back to normal in no time.