Due to the fact that multiple sclerosis is a complex disease that primarily causes impairments at the level of the central nervous system (CNS) that later spread in multiple regions of the body, the produced symptoms are various and can perceived at different intensities. In its first stages of progression, multiple sclerosis generates a wide variety of mild to moderate neurological symptoms. In more advanced phases of the disease, when other body systems also become affected, multiple sclerosis may cause many different physical manifestations.
The undesired effects of multiple sclerosis on the human body are often irreversible, rendering prompt medical intervention crucial for reducing the development of complications. despite the fact that there is no specific cure for multiple sclerosis in present, the existing forms of treatment can successfully control the progression rate and the symptoms characteristic to this type of disease. Thus, patients are usually administered an appropriate treatment as soon as they are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are diversified and they can occur in many different body regions. Most patients have individualized symptoms of multiple sclerosis, manifestations that generally occur in episodes, or flares. the intensity, frequency and duration of multiple sclerosis symptoms are strongly influenced by the stage of progression and the specific subtype of the disease. the progression of multiple sclerosis is often unpredictable, alternating between phases of symptomatic remission and phases of relapse. the majority of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis experience recidivating symptoms that generally tend to amplify in the stages of relapse.
Common symptoms of multiple sclerosis comprise generalized fatigue, body weakness, sensations of tingling, burning, pain and numbness in the muscles, loss of dexterity and poorly coordinated body movement. other common symptoms produced by multiple sclerosis are: vision problems, shaking of the limbs, spasms, convulsions, inability to maintain balance, dizziness, vertigo and confusion. In more advanced phases of disease, multiple sclerosis can also generate manifestations such as partial paralysis, renal and gastrointestinal problems.
Neuropsychological symptoms of multiple sclerosis generally occur in the incipient stages of disease, gradually amplifying over time. Such symptoms include inaccurate perceptions, decreased concentration, short-term memory loss (amnesia), reduced judgment and unexpected changes in behavior. a symptom that is commonly seen in patients with multiple sclerosis is depression. Persons with multiple sclerosis eventually become depressed and refuse any form of social interaction. Although depression and other similar neuropsychological symptoms are a common problem among patients with multiple sclerosis, medical scientists haven’t yet unveiled the exact origin of such manifestations.
While some groups of medical scientists believe that most neuropsychological symptoms are solely the result of impairments at the level of the central nervous system, others believe that they are a consequence of prolonged treatment. This second opinion is considered to be more accurate, as the psychological symptoms of patients with multiple sclerosis gradually ameliorate after the treatment is interrupted.
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