Tips : Symptoms of Rabies

by Symptom Advice on December 26, 2010

Symptoms of Rabies

Animals like skunks, foxes, raccoons, bats, etc., happen to be the ones which are responsible for transmitting rabies (a deadly virus) to humans, in the Unites States. While in countries which are developing, stray dogs are the carriers. The saliva of the infected animal is the mode of transmission for the virus. as I have cited above, the occurrence of the signs and symptoms of rabies, in most cases, indicate that the condition has progressed to a near fatal stage, where treatment cannot be of much help. Prevention is the best way to deal with this serious condition. And that is why, vaccines are provided to those who stay at a risk of contracting the infection. These vaccines help in keeping the pathogen from infecting the body. apart from getting abreast with the classic signs of rabies, also know more about the causative factors, and the treatment plans.

Rabies Symptoms

What are the symptoms of rabies? It is to be known that there are no early symptoms of rabies in humans. And whatever symptoms this condition manifests itself in, occur when the disease is at its peak form. It is often found that the symptoms set in a few days before death. The common rabies symptoms may include:

Due to the late occurrence of all these rabies symptoms in humans, it is obvious that they are of no help in diagnosing the condition at an early stage. So one would have to make a conscious effort in seeking immediate medical care, if bitten by any animal, especially those which have been mentioned above. in some cases, people may not be certain if they have really been bitten or not. Even then, medical help is a must. for instance, you may be bitten by a bat while you are asleep, without even realizing it. however, if you get the slightest hint about the creature had been in your vicinity, then you may assume that you have been bitten, and seek help right away.

Rabies Causes

Rabies, as mentioned, is caused by the virus which has the same name. The saliva of the infected animal serves as the carrier of this virus, which if comes in contact with an open wound or the mouth and eyes, transmits the infection. however, this way of transmission is rare. but a bite of the infected animal has all chances of spreading the infection to the bitten animal or human. any mammal can transmit the virus.

Rabies Treatment

Rabies cannot be diagnosed until it starts showing symptoms. So when a bite is reported, doctors recommend treatment which would curb the virus from infecting the body, although it may not be certain that the bite has transmitted the virus. Also, rabies does not have a specific treatment, and unfortunately, usually it turns out to be a fatal condition. this is the reason, if there is the slightest hint of any one being exposed to the virus, doctors provide a series of shots to weaken the virus and stop the infection. Generally, the patient would have to receive around 6 injections over a period of 4 weeks.

Whether a patient requires the rabies shot, depends on the type of animal that has bitten him. for instance if it is domestic animal like a cat or dog, then the animal would be observed for about 10 days. If within this period, it does not show any symptoms of rabies, then the patient won’t be requiring any shots. in case of wild animals, doctors usually assume that the creature had rabies, and recommend the patient to go for the rabies shots. this is a safe approach according to them.

As said at the begging of this article on symptoms of rabies, prevention is the best way to deal with it. It is important that you get your pets such as cats, dogs and ferrets, vaccinated. Small pets like guinea pigs, rabbits, etc., cannot be vaccinated. So confine them in cages so that they do not encounter any wild animal. It is wise to report about any stray animal to the local authorities, and so is avoiding wild animals. Equally important is to get proper vaccination while traveling, particularly when the place has high incidences of this disease.

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