Treating Panic Disorders The Herbal Way

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

Panic disorder, being a nervous disorder needs to me attended to immediately. your casual approach to this might lead to some major problems some time later. you should be prepared in every way to handle a looming panic attack.

Benzodiazepines are common medications that are prescribed during the treatment of panic attacks. it is reported that people who are on benzodiazepines have side effects such as headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, confusion, blurred vision, trembling, amnesia, impaired coordination, irregular heart rate, and chest pain. Mostly people want to get the same effect as of benzodiazepines but don’t want the side effects. in such instances, herbal extracts are recommended to continue the benzodiazepine-like effects.

One of the oldest known medicines for panic disorder is lavender. This herb has been used since ancient times for the cure of panic attacks. Lavender is widely cultivated for its aromatic properties that are present in its oil. Lavender oil is often available in perfume shops and select medical stores. If you do not get this oil in the perfume shops or the medical stores you can try buying this oil from online shops. If you want to buy lavender oil from online shops, you may need a credit card or a debit card.

Kava is also considered to be very effective in controlling panic attacks. This tall shrub is used for panic attacks since ancient times. This plant is commonly found in the South Pacific islands. the root has the medicinal properties to subdue the effects of panic attacks. Today, kava is widely available in the following forms:

  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Tea
  • Beverage
  • Liquid extract forms

According researchers, kava contains kavalactones, which affect the levels of neurotransmitters found in the blood. though there are many good results of this herbal product, you must not over use it. over use of this herbal product may give rise to side effects such as skin rash, mouth numbness, indigestion, headache, visual disturbances, and even drowsiness. you must avoid kava if you have been just operated upon. in addition, kava is not recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers. If you have any kidney or liver disease, refrain from the use of kava immediately.

Next comes the passion flower. it mainly calms the mind and helps overcome the symptoms of panic disorders. it comes in the form of passion flower pills and passion flower tea. the thing that makes it popular is that it is completely save and can even be given to children with panic disorders.

Passion flower is not recommended when you are on sedatives. Sedatives already cause drowsiness and passion flower might add to it. it not only suppresses the panic attacks, but also the daily tension.

Valerian root, a natural sedative, is also used to treat panic disorders. its extracts are used to treat sleep disorders, muscle tensions, anxiety and restlessness. If you feel like discontinuing benzodiazepine, you can start taking valerian root extract. it might cause some mild dizziness.

St. John’s Wort, like passion flower and Valerian Root, has been in use since centuries. it is also used to treat panic attacks, depression and anxiety. the most common side effects of St. John’s Wort are dizziness, fatigue, stomach upset, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and drying of the mouth.

In addition to the herbal cures for panic attacks, you need to perform certain first aid procedures during a panic attack. To calm down the hyperventilation that is caused during a panic attack, you need to perform deep breathing. Take in a deep breath and then exhale slowly. you need to repeat this several times when you have a panic attack.

Article by Beth Kaminski of, a website with the best remedies for panic attacks information on the web.

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