What are Cancer Symptoms? : Cancer, Types of Cancer, Symptoms of Cancer, Causes of Cancer, Cancer Treatments

by Symptom Advice on April 14, 2011

April 7, 2011 in Cancer Symptoms

The signs of cancer remain latent until the disease reaches its advanced stage. Though there are certain common cancer symptoms, more than 100 types of this disease exist. Every type has its own specific symptoms which are either apparent or remain hidden. this article tries to gain insight on the signs of the dreadful cancer ailment.

What are the Types of Cancer Symptoms?Signs of cancer can be classified into three types based on the stage of the disease. these types are:

  • Local symptoms (signs when a particular organ is affected by the disease)
  • Metastatic symptoms (signs seen when the disease spreads to the entire body)
  • Systemic symptoms (signs apparent owing to the distinct effects of the disease).

The below mentioned signs of the disease appearing at different stages are the primary indicators of the severity of the cancer. Vital aspects like diagnosis, choice of treatment and prognosis thereafter are dependent on the knowledge of these signs. They are:

According to the National Cancer Institute, there were 12 most common cancer types in the United States in 2010. The criterion considered for a cancer type to fall into this category was that the annual incidence of that cancer reported last year should have been 40,000 cases or more.

List of 12 Common Cancer Types in America in 2010:

Incidences of the 12 most Common Cancer Types in the United States in 2010:

S.no. Cancer Type new Cases Reported in 2010 no. of Deaths in 2010 1. Bladder 70,530 14,680 2. Breast Cancer in Women 207,090 39,840 3. Colon and Rectal 142,570 51,370 4. Endometrial 43,470 7,950 5. Kidney 53,581 11,997 6. Blood Cancer 43,050 21,840 7. Lung 222,520 157,300 8. Melanoma 68,130 8,700 9. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 65,540 20,210 10. Pancreatic 43,140 36,800 11. Prostate 217,730 32,050 12. 44,670 1,690 None

Bladder Cancer Symptoms:

Symptoms of Cancer in the Breast:

Colon Cancer Symptoms:

Endometrial Cancer Symptoms:

  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Abnormal bleeding from the vagina
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Difficulty in urination
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during urination

Kidney Cancer Symptoms:

Leukemia Symptoms:

Lung Cancer Symptoms:

Melanoma Symptoms:

  • Ugly mole
  • Change in the shape of a mole
  • Change in the color
  • Change in the border of a mole
  • Change in the diameter
  • Newly pigmented skin area
  • Darkened area under the nail
  • The tumor is firm to touch
  • Constant growth in the tumor

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Symptoms:

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms:

Prostate Cancer Symptoms:

Thyroid Cancer symptoms:

Conclusion: Awareness of the common cancer symptoms can help in early diagnosis and screening of the body. as this ailment has no cure, finding its signs in the initial stages is the only safe way to increase the chances of survival and complete recovery.

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