2 days ago I woke up feeling exhausted. in the afternoon I decided to lie down for a bit, and then realized that I had a fever. my fever continued to go up until it reached 103 degrees f. The next day, I continued to have a fever though it wasn't as high. my stomach felt increasingly nautious and i began getting these burning sensations. It felt like my insides were stinging and burning. It happens on my back, neck, stomach, and chest. It happens once every 20-30 minutes and lasts only 10-15 seconds but is extremely painful and uncomfortable. its been 3 days and the fever is now gone but the burning contiunes. I am on vacation in India (I live in California) where it is hot, but not THAT hot. I don't spend a huge amount of time in direct sunlight and whenever we are indoors the fans are on. this is why I am unsure if it is heat exhaustion or something else. does anyone have any idea what this is?
Some symptoms of heat exhaustion are sweating, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, lightheadedness, and muscle cramps. There are many different types of heat diseases which are similar however are called differently because of the seriousness. I find the best way to fix anything is lots of sleep.