What are some causes of anorexia? what are symptoms, and the effects?

by Symptom Advice on December 27, 2010

i need to know about this because im researching about this please help

You should have done bulimia. it is easier to tell when a person is bulimic and there is probably more on why a person becomes one.


that has alot of info, but you could just google this yourself lol.

The causes are psycho-social, related to the pressure to be thin and the need for control. The symptoms are loss of more than 20% of body weight, constant concern over weight, refusal to eat, excessive exercise, feeling cold, menstrual periods stop, and growing fine hair all over the body. A unique sign of anorexia is that any discussion of the disease, or comments about the person's weight, positive or negative, cause an increase in the anorexic behaviors. The effects are obviously weight loss and it can be fatal-it can kill you.
Google Karen Carpenter.

Well I have had firsthand experience in this since I suffered from anorexia from the age of 13 up to almost age 30. Off and on thru the years.

I have always been a tiny person. Skinny I should say growing up and even as an adult I have a hard time keeping the weight on. Skinny was never enough for me. I looked in the mirror and still saw fat.

My Mother and older sister were obese and my sister still is to this day. Food was the center of everything in our lives. When is the next meal? Dieting for my Mom. Fussing at my sister for eating too much or the wrong foods-she wasn't exercising enough-her looks she didn't take care of so that was an issue with my Mom. my Dad was thin. my Dad called my Mother names like Tubby, Fatso, Fatty, etc. he would squeeze her and call her those names. even though it was done in fun according to my Father it hurt her and I saw the struggling she did just to get thru. she would cry, go on crash diets, and on top of it her health was so bad and we didn't know it at the time until she got much older. Later on in life my Dad gave his life over to the Lord and things were different when it came to my Mom, but too late- the damage of the words were already set in her mind.

I was a fat baby born at over 10 pounds, but by the time I turned 2 years old I was skinny and have been all my life. I am now 38 years old and even after having a baby I am still skinny. I have a very high metabolism and small internal organs that I don't need a lot of food to substain and can't overeat because my tummy simply can't handle a huge amount of food. Anyhoo, growing up everyone teased me. my sister and my Mom. The doctors would look at me and just shake their heads and tell my Mom to just let me be and eat when I want to eat, but my Mom refused to listen and fussed over me. Watched me like a hawk when it came to food- watching to see when I ate, how much, etc. Trying to force me into eating when I didn't want it. Telling me all the time I look like a refuge. Telling everyone she knows how thin I am like some circus animal on show or something. she told the doctor that one time that I looked like a refuge when was about 9 years old and I asked her what that was and she said it is like those kids in Ethopia. Well back then we were sending money to those people and I saw the pictures and it made me scared that that was what I looked like? whenever we had get togethers it was always around food and what I wasn't eating and people making their snide remarks on how skinny I am. in school I was teased something fierce because I was a slow developer and didn't get boobs until highschool and even then it wasn't much. Boys would call me Flatty and girls would constantly ask me if something was wrong with me because I was so thin.

By the time I was 13 and got my first officially crush-boyfriend is when I decided enough was enough and I was gonna take control of my own eating.
By the time I was 16 the Anorexia had peeked with an abusive boyfriend that thought I was not skinny enough- my looks weren't good enough for him-etc. etc. I spiraled out of control. I hide my illness all those years from my parents and the abuse until about 5 years ago. I finally confronted them. my Mom still refused to believe I had any eating disorder. I let it go. she went to her grave thinking her daughter could do no wrong.

I don't think media had anything to do with my problems. it was purely my Mother's doing. being a Mother now I promised to never make a big deal out of food. I don't. my daughter is very thin and little like me. The doctor looks at me and tells me to not even be concerned. she is healthy and that is all that matters. I couldn't agree more. I only wish my Mom would of done that for me. just let it go and know I am just thin and it is in my genes and I took after my dad's side of the family and not hers.

I loved my Mom and had a very good realationship with her, but thru it all I suffered in silence.

I would make up any excuse not to eat- I am full, tummy ache which I had most of the time anyways, I already ate (total lie), etc.

I would constantly weigh myself everytime I ate. I finally threw out my scales when I said enough is enough.

I would check calories on food

I would eat very little or most of the time skips meals as much as possible.

Be afraid to eat in front of anyone.

I felt everyone was staring at me constantly.

Felt I was not skinny enough. I truly saw fat there when there was no fat to be found. seeing my ribs was always a good thing and made me happy to see them.

The effects were fainting, passing out, stomach aches, headaches, aches all over my body, little energy, brittle nails, dry skin and hair, hair falling out.

You are more than welcome to use anything I have here in your paper.

To this day I am actually afraid to eat our in restaurants or crowds of people, or even my own immediate family except my husband and daughter. I will eat with them. I feel all those things flooding back to me. I eat well. I do not count calories to this day- I could care less- I am a pretty healthy person other than my low iron that I get, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue that I have had almost all my life. I say I am doing pretty good. I don't own a pair of scales and the only time I do get weighed is at the doctors. They never seem too concerned considering I am a healthy person otherwise. I am just little.

When I had my daughter over 5 years ago I was the size of 3 months along when I delivered her. she was tiny at 4 pounds 9 oz, but healthy. They did an emergency csection and it was then the OB who did my surgery discovered how tiny my uterus was and in all her years in the medical field she had never seen organs as little as mine. it was then I could sigh relief knowing that I was just a little person in this body. my bones, my organs, etc are all little so no wonder I was not overweight.

I have one of the most caring husbands and he is the one that helped me beat this in the end. yes I still struggle off and on in my mind, but I try hard not to ever act upon it. I know that my head was filled with lies all those years and none of that was ever true.

girls usually turn to that because they think they have to lose weight sometimes problems can cause them to start. like family problems. friend problems. maybe depression. there are different signs of it. psychological, behavioral, and physical. all these are: depression and socially withdrawn, irritable, become upset easier, difficulty interacting with others, fatigue due to interupted sleep patterns, decrease in attention and concentration, low blood pressure, slow heart action (these are both usually not life threatening) constipation, abdomninal pain, missed periods, increased or decreased urination, anemia, dry flaky skin with a yellow tinge, fine downy hair grows on the face, back, arms, legs, nails can be brittle, possible hair loss on the head, tooth decay and eventually tooth loss.

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