What are some symptoms if your dog is eating from the recalled dog foods?

by Symptom Advice on February 13, 2011

My dog has been vomiting a lot lately and im afraid it may be from the recalled pet foods that killed those pets. he vomits brown stuff

take him to a vet as soon as possible. he needs to have its stomach "washed" by the vet.

well all the dog food i noe of is brown. and theyve ben poisonin dog food so take him to the vet. theyll take some samples/ give him something to stop the vomiting and take tests to c if its true. dont wait, or it may b 2 late…

Is he or was he eating the recalled foods??


Should see the vet.. He'll tell you what's wrong. if he is vomiting brown, then it's likely blood.. Could he have gotten into something else?

Yeah, vomitting is one of the symtoms! Get your dog to the vet asap to get him checked out! good luck!

no energy
drinking a lot of water
peeing a lot

Vet asap

i'd take him to the vet as soon as possible, and as you probaly already know, dont keep feeding him the same food. ask your vet what you should feed him. he might give you a list of brands.

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