What are some things i can do to balance my hormones? I have symptoms of hormone imbalance………?

by Symptom Advice on August 25, 2010

acne, overweight and ovarian pain. i might have some sort of hormone problem right? so what should i do?

see an hio method/upper cervical specific chiropractor.

Royal Jelly. Look it up. I think the stuff is amazing.

Have you been tested for PCOS yet? Your symptoms sound similar. Google it.

Not sure if this might help but its natural and helps decrease period pain. Regular nipple stimulation releases prolactin.
Its free too.

You should first be checked for ovarian problems, including cancer..(obgyn)……then you have to find a good doctor to test your current hormones levels eg feelingfff.com
YOu cannot just start treating without knowing what your current levels are, because you can make them worse, or mess them up

It sounds like you have other problems than that, effecting your homones…..

read suzannesomers.com books

I am only 27 years old but have had 3 kids. I too started to suffer from hormone imbalance about 2 years ago but didnt know i could be imbalance at my age but my older friend told me to try natural progersterone cream. I got some from the local health food store. I used to have heavy bleeding going through a super tampon in less than an hour which led to anemia. I had cramps so painful I had to pop midol like it was candy. my breasts would swell and be so painful i would have to hold them going down the stairs. I retained alot of water, acne on face back and chest, post nasal drip, insomnia…I could go on. all of it went away by 3 months but my cramps and pain went away for the first period. It is amazing!!! I feel like I have been cured, my life revolved around my period and pms symptoms now I am freeeeee

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