What are symptoms your cat has rabies?

by Symptom Advice on February 24, 2011

My cat has been acting mean lately, (hissing and swatting at me and the other cat), she is an indoor cat, but what are the signs of rabies in a cat?

if your cat is foaming at the mouth or drinking excessive amounts of water,, take her to the vet or put her down she may just be having a fit or other illness, rabies, shows up with-in a few days after infection. play it safe call a vet….

has she been exposed to rabies? maybe you have just ticked her off. if you are concerned, you need to have a vet/animal control quarantine her for 30ish days. DO NOT FUSS WITH THIS.

Rabies can be transferred to humans and it is fatal. Don't screw around with this, at all. Check with your vet NOW if you suspect your cat has been exposed.

it's usually really odd behavior-
very sensitive and snapping at any movement, increasing temper and instablity, losing balance, drooling heavily, unable to drink but hanging around at the water.
It can also manifest as "dumb rabies" in which the animal just gets super-lethargic…

The vet will usually quarantine a questionable animal for 10-15 days, it's a bit pricey but MUCH better than going through the treatment and possibly facing the loss of the other cat, too.

Distemper can be like that too. has it had it's shots?

I don't know all the symptoms, but you really need to quarentine it until you can get it to the vet. this is very serious. It's not unusual for them to hiss and swatt and like most cats they have their moods. I would personally get it checked out or at least call the vet, asap

When was the last time you took your cat to the vet? how old is your cat? has she received all of her shots? is your cat a strickly indoor cat only or do you let her out sometimes and bring her back in?

No matter what her symptoms are, if she is not acting like herself, take her to the vet. he or she will exam her thoroughly and will be able to diagnosis what is wrong with her. She may have an underlying physical problem that you are unaware of.

Good luck to you and your cat! Pets are wonderful and beautiful creatures created by God to provide us with friendship and companionship.

I hope I was some what helpful!

Symptoms of rabies may vary widely from animal to animal. in any animal, the first sign of rabies is usually a change in behavior. the animal becomes either unnaturally withdrawn or unnaturally approachable.

In the "furious" form, the animal is excited, aggressive, irritable, and may snap at anything in its path. it loses all caution and fear of natural enemies. if the animal has the "dumb" form of the disease, it may appear unusually tame, affectionate, and friendly. Staggering, paralysis, and frothing at the mouth are sometimes noticed. many animals have a change in the sound of their voice.

slobbering and foaming at the mouth, but i suggest you put "symptoms of rabies in a cat" into a web search and read all about it. even an indoor cat should have all her shots as a mouse could bring her the disease and you cant keep mice out of any house.

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